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"Ruby please just one photo!" A fan pleaded

"Ruby when is the new movie of your brother coming out?!" Aqua's stalker reporter asked.

"Ruby what a beautiful dress can you tell us where you got it from!" Another report, but her stalker.

"Ruby how do you feel about your ex-boyfriend insulting you?!" Ouch that hurt.

"Ma'm let's go, the crowd is going wild, we better leave before it gets dangerous" two bodyguards quickly started to escorted her toward the car.

"RUBY! have you heard about the blue lock project, Would you like to leave a comment about it?!" women speaking on her microphone pulled her mic to rubies mouth but she didn't utter a word.

Quickly looking down and ignoring everyone, she just finished her concert and now people were bombarding her with tons of questions, couldn't they see she was really tired and hungry after singing her hear out?

She hurried towards the car quickly seating on the passenger seat and looking at her lap, people were banging on her window car like crazy, for second she would have thought it was some zombie apocalypse if not realizing she was an popular idol.

The driver couldn't even drive the car seeing tons of people taking pictures hoping to get a picture of Ruby from black windows.





"Aah Ruby, welcome back. I saw your consort you were great, well done!" closing the front door with a loud bang she saw her twin brother aqua, he looked very cute with his hair up and face mask on his face, he went towards Ruby and gave her a quick hug.

"Aahhhhh-–aqua I'm so so so tired!" Ruby whined showing her shaky hands and legs, she pulled out from the hug and leaned all her weight on his arm.

Aqua chuckled, yet again Ruby was acting like a child "ughhh...Ruby you are very heavy, I ordered your favorite food, go eat then sleep. you can shower tomorrow" aqua started to drag her all the way to the kitchen and sat her down.

"Thanks aqua, I don't know what I would have done without you" she gave him her warm smile, he looked at his sister and patted her head.

"yeah yeah no problem, good night Ruby" he was going towards his bedroom until Ruby suddenly stopped him.

"Hey idiot, do you know anything about the blue lock project?"

"Ruby are you dumb, who doesn't know about the it?"aqua gave her a deadpanning look.

"JUST ANSWER THE DAMN QUESTION!!" Ruby quickly got embarrassed, 'is it very popular? How do I not know of it?!!!' Million of questions filled her head.

"Just search it stupid, everyone is talking about it" aqua stated and then left to sleep muttering some snaky remarks about her being dumb or something.

She ignored them and quickly started to look for her purse which contained her phone 'ugh where is it!!' She whipped her head all over the house and finally found it on the coach.

She jumped on the coach and hurriedly pulled out her phone and now trying to unlock it 'unlock you damn phone!!' Now she was struggling to open her phone, it seems like the phone was not recognizing it owner, instead she started to type the password.








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