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Ruby just sat silently looking as he made circles around their living room, her hands were on her lap and she was shamelessly looking at it.

"Why the fuck are they all after you?!!" Aqua said with stress and little bit of anger in his voice.

"How am I supposed to know...?" She tried not to provoke aqua as he was ready to burst out.

"First that shitty Kaiser, then mikage heir and some white haired giraffe who ate all the shrimps...!" He finally yelled out.


"Ruby" he hissed.

She again looked at her hands with shameless expression, Ruby did not want to make aqua upset. She didn't know that involving herself with so many boys would anger him.

He would be overprotective sometimes but now he was commanding her what to do.

"They are great people, besides...were you not having a nice chat there with Michael?" She pointed out.

"Oh! So it's now Michael??" He said sarcastically.

"Don't change the subject!"

Aqua sighed with tiredness in his breath "whatever you mean Ruby?"

"You had great time with Michae-—Kaiser...but now you are telling me to cut my contacts with him??" She hummed with a thinking expression.

Aqua was dumbfounded "Ruby, you are not taking this seriously."

"Why should I...hmm?" Ruby stood up wanting to ignore aqua and his stupid rules.


Ruby went to the kitchen grabbing the peach from the fruit basked and making her way towards her room, aqua was trailing behind her getting annoyed at her silence.

"Ruby I'm telling you again, I don't want to see you with Kaiser ever again. You heard me?" His voice gotten deep with seriousness.

But ignoring all the red flags Ruby slammed her door shut leaving stunned aqua behind.


"You made her brother angry..." ness quietly said as he watched Kaiser strip from his tie.

"Her brother was fun to tease...besides I think he liked Me" Kaiser chuckled unbuttoning his t-shirt.

They both knew it was a lie, Kaiser just loved to edge people.

"I don't think you will be able to meet her again, her brother is probably watching over her now" ness sighed leaning back to the chair.

His t-shirt was fully unbutton and his hair brushed back showing his forehead.

"Who is he to command her-– that would be sexist" he laughed out loud.

"Did you see how blue lock players gawked at her?" Ness informed.

"My girl was too pretty today...even Noa drooled" Kaiser put on a sinister smirk, his gaze was on the wall thinking while his hands worked on his watch.

"Not jealous?"

"I'll let them gawk at her for now...but if they try to make a move i will not hold myself back" his cold eyes bore at ness.

"Why are you so sure that she wants you too?" Ness quietly asked.

Kaiser was taken back, never in his whole life ness talked to him like that. Is there something that triggered him?

"That girl is obsessed over me!" He laughed and made his way to bathroom.

Ness was quiet for minutes. staring at the wall in front of him.

'Ruby...'  he remembered how dashing she looked tonight, how her confused face was looking at the football players one by one.

He remembered meeting her Ruby eyes, it was only for a second.

'For a second' he kept repeating to himself.

Only a second and she captured his heart without her even knowing.


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