Part 2

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Soobin gave look to the blue haired male. ''Choi Soobin right?'' Asked him.

''Ah yeah?'' Answered Soobin.

''Oh nice! Teacher told me to practice with you. We are final participants you know'' said blue haired boy.

''Yeah and you are Choi.. um..'' Soobin couldn't remember his name.

''Yeonjun. Choi Yeonjun'' answered Yeonjun.

''Wow pretty and rare name..'' said Soobin.

''Thanks yours beautiful too'' smiled Yeonjun. ''Oh here's test Mr.Kim gave us to solve them'' said Yeonjun.

''Oh okay'' said Soobin and took paper from Yeonjun's hand.

''I see you got first place and you know english well? Woow respect'' said Yeonjun.

''I..i didn't expect that really'' said Soobin.

''You are lucky. Even i didn't exoect too even teachers because i'm not that nerd. Ehh.. fate..'' said Yeonjun. Soobin just listened him without reply.

Soobin took his copybook. BTS was on copybooks cover. Yeonjun quickly noticed that.

''Oh you stan BTS?'' Asked Yeonjun with excitement.

''Yes. You too?'' Asked Soobin.

''Yeah i do!!'' Said Yeonjun and put his diary and opened it. In the corner of his diary there were several postcards of kdramas. ''Oh here!'' Yeonjun showed postcard of Jungkook, Taehyung, Jimin, Yoongi and Seokjin.

''Oh he's my bias'' said Soobin and showed Seokjin.

''Oh yeah Seokjin is also handsomeee. Mine is Jimin'' said Yeonjun.

''Wow good'' replied Soobin.

''If you want i'll give you Seokjin ones'' requested Yeonjun.

''No no i don't really need to'' said Soobin.

''Why??'' Yeonjun pouted and that was so cutee.

''Ah because it's yourse and in fact i'm stranger to you'' said Soobin.

''Hey we know each others name though..'' said Yeonjun.

''No'' replied Soobin.

''And surnames too..'' added Yeonjun.

''No i don't need really thanks'' said Soobin.

''Oh okay'' pouted Yeonjun.

Soobin was focused on test. Yeonjun quickly looked to Soobin he was bored. He wanted to talk.

''Hey whats your zodiac sign?'' Suddenly asked question Yeonjun.

''Sagittarius. 5th December'' replied Soobin ''and you?''

''Virgo'' smiled Yeonjun. ''I've never met Sagittarius in my life. You are the first'' said Yeonjun.

''Oh really?'' Wondered Soobin. Yeonjun just nodded.

''And i always wanted to date Sagittarius. But my boyfriend is Taurus'' said Yeonjun.

Wait. Boyfriend? He's not single? I thoigh he's single. Wait of course handsome man like him should have boyfriend and lot of fans. But he said Boyfriend...? Though Soobin.

''You habe a boyfriend?'' Asked Soobin.

''Yes i do. We are good couple'' said Yeonjun.

''Oh since when?'' Asked Soobin.

''Since 3 months we started to date. Actually i met him in my dreams but i saw him as a soulmate. He was blonde and handsome. And lately he moved to my class. I was wondered that i met him in real life. We quickly became couple. We still date but we both decided to move class A because you know only smartest students study there and you also from class A'' said Yeonjun and Soobin nodded.

''We had an exam for moving your class. We both had an exam. He passed bit i failed. He had to go to your class but i stayed here'' said Yeonjun.

Interesting. He dates with my classmate but who? Though Soobin.

''It's okay. We are still dating. We go together to one course. We go to english course. On sundays i tell my mom that we are going to study and actually i will go to date and study in café. We do exerecises together. We teach each other actually i wont be focused to studies i will stare on his face'' smiled Yeonjun.

''Wow such a good couple..'' said Soobin.

''Haha yes but here's a problem'' said Yeonjun with a sad smile. Soobin gave questionable look.

''My mom.. she doesn't like him and disagree with our relationship and she says that he's not my soulmate. She saw my soulmate on her dreams and its not him. She says it was another guy...'' said Yeonjun.

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