Part 55

72 2 7

*Warning Child abuse is on this Chapter⚠️

If u feel uncomfortable u can skip*

Good morning my heart

My darling

Good morning love of my life

Hope u had a nice sleep

I did

And u❤️?

I just woke in 1.13 pm😂🥲

Omg my sleepy head😂


I'm on the vacation on mountains so envy silently😅😅😅

Why would i envy? Most important u r resting and having a fun. If u r happy i'm happy too.

Hope y r resting well

Yes i arrived here today morning

How is it goin?

Good i'm laying next to the pool

Feels sooo good

Woow scenery is good

Isn't it the Chorvoq place?

Idk where i'm😅


Send the location

*Location sent*

Yeah u r nerby of the Chorvoq so no worries😂


How things were going in summer holiday? Well lets start with Kai. He was studying hard in case to apply for universities. Only study and study no other thing. He couldn't manage to talk with everyone but while going back home from the course he'd call to Soobin. Studies were giving him such a pressure.

Yeonjun was trying his best to not stay at home as he feels it uncomfortable. So he tried to find a permanent job and applied as an opperator. He was spending his day on his work.

Same with Taehyun as he currently just works on the market. He already was confident and having his own money at young age. He wanted to make sure to treat Beomgyu better after marrige. But this summer as he was working harder he barely had a time for Beomgyu.


Ohhh how r u my sweetheart?

I'm doing good. What about my princess?

I'm also^^

I miss u so much Tyunie😭❤️‍🩹

Me too but i'm too busy with a work

I understand🥺

''Beomgyu!!!'' Shouted his uncle. Yes Beomgyu lives with his uncle since his dad left him and his mother when Beomgyu was just 5 years old. It was hard for his mother. So just incase to survive his mother had left abroad since then to earn money and left Beomgyu on her elder brother's care.

But do you think it was a good idea to leave little Beomgyu with his uncle? Probably no. His uncle would abuse him physically for a little stuff. If he didn't cook or make a breakfast. Or not do the laundry, or ironing or even when he did not study well his uncle would always find a way to abuse him. Maybe beating with some belt or burning his skin with an iron or wash his skin with a hot water. Beomgyu could never talk back. He couldn't. It was like that since his childhood later it turned into a trauma.

Only thing he could do was shed some tears and later he used to this pain. Once Soobin saw scars on his skin. The only thing Beomgyu told was ''Ah just my uncle burned my skin with iron'' with a smile like its not a big deal at all. That almost made Soobin cry.

''I know i'm psychopath yeah?'' Said Beomgyu with smile but tears rolling down his eyes.

''No you are not. And i'll keep it secret'' said Soobin while giving a tight hug to Beomgyu.

Onmy Soobin was the one who could understand Beomgyu.

How did his uncke think about Soobin? ''Look at Soobin he again got an achievement and participated on inernational congress and you useless shit can't do anything!'' Says his uncle.

Thats how Beomgyu lives. No one knows it except Soobin. Even Taehyun doesn't know.

Abuse was still going but since Taehyun entered his life Taehyun was the only comfort for him.

Now while Beomgyu was texting to Taehyun his uncle shouted his name and entered the room.

''You little shit!'' Cursed he. Beomgyu looked down. ''You date huh? With Kwon? Kan? I don't care with something Taehyun! Your teacher just called me and told that how that shitty relationship ruined your studies and also his studies. Thats such a shame you know?''

''N-no i-im not d-dating with anyone'' said Beomgyu.

''Huh?'' His uncle took away the phone from Beomgyu's hand and saw his chat with Taehyun and gasped.

''You liar!'' Said him and started to kick Beomgyu.

''No more date with anyone! And i'll take away your phone forever! You'll mever use it! And as you are ruining your class you'll move to another school from another corner of the city! U'll leave your friends and your love Taehyun forever!'' Said uncle.

''No'' barely said Beomgyu brusting into tears. ''I don't want to'' said Beomgyu between his sobbs. Of course he doesn't want to leave his dear friends Soobin, Yeonjun and Kai and most important love of his life Taehyun.

''Shut up!!'' Yelled him and threw a knife to Beomgyu which thankfully Beomgyu escaped.

What abkut Soobin? Currently he's doijg his life solving task. Inernational english learningtesting system. Exvept his parents he didn't tell to anyone. Because he wasn't sure of the results.

Now Soobin was nerviously sitting exam hall. It was such a pressure. They told that answers will ne out after 23 days.

But it was 12th day fir waitin' results. Soobin was happily watching you tube reels. Suddenly got notifications. Yes he got yhe results of the test. Before opening it his whole body started to shake. But when he did open the scire was poor which surely his parents would blame.

''Mom i'm sorry i dissapointed you'' sobbed Soobin. His mom really said nothing and looked dissapointed ''i couldn't fullfill your wish. I'm a bsd son'' contiuned Soobin.

''Thats such a shame Soobin''finally said his mother.

''You said you know english well and here's yiur result'' sarcastically said his dad.

''But.. but.. i know! I don't know why results are like that'' said Soobin.

''This is real world Soobin. No one can treat you or see you high like your parents do'' said his dad.

Soobin locked himself in his room

''No i can't tell this to anyone. No it can't be like that. I'm so sorry'' said Soobin

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