Part 19

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Soobin gave a look to Beomgyu and Beomgyu gave a smile by whispering ''Everything will be okay''. Soobin just looked down with his mask on.

''I came here to mention Choi Soobin'' said principal. Soobin was ready to get blamed.

''Soobin you did gread job. Even if you failed final level no one could achieve this in 8 years history of our city. Its not easy to win all over the cities in Korea. Also another students, learn from Soobin. Come here Soobin'' Soobin stood up and went towards if principal. Principal hugged Soobin.

''Soobin please take off your mask'' commanded principal Soobin had no way and he revealed his hiden face for three months.

''Soobin. Please don't be hard on yourself. You did a job which rarely students can achieve. Me and every school is proud of you. Keep going.'' Said principal. Tear escaped from Soobin's eyes aftering hearing all words but he tried his best to hold them.

And door opened there was several teachers holding gifts. Soobin was surprised why is it all. Every teacher handed their gift to Soobin by hugging him and say that they are proud.

Soobin had mixed emotions sad? Surprised? Amazed? Shocked? But Soobin doesn't whats all for.

After few minutes they left and normally lessons contiuned.

Break time

''Congratulations we are proud of you'' congratulated Taehyun.

''Yeah i'm soo happyyy and proud!'' Added Beomgyu.

''Huh guys you are acting like my parents and i'm your kid'' said Soobin with a little smile.

''Exactly you are our kid'' said Beomgyu.

''Heey.. don't forget that i'm oldest here'' said Soobin and they laughed.

''I'm still wondered why they congratulated me and why these gifts? Are they all because i lose comoitation? They congratulated me because i lost?'' It was clear from Soobin's voice that he's mad.

''Soobin you are overthinking to much. I know you are depressed and...'' Beomgyu was to comfort Soobin but Taehyun cut him off.

''Soobin don't think like that. See you are well known student in our school and to rely your depression you need to love yourself'' added Taehyun.

''I hate myself'' said Soobin.

''Soobin.. don't say so or else i will kill you'' said Beomgyu.

''Haha nice joke but i try i know that its useless. Nothing can heal me'' said Soobin.

Yes moths left Soobin really changed. He becane more introvert, calm, and soft hearted which also easily cries. At the same time he was cold. He had no energy to talk. He isolated himself from people. But most scary even he avoided his friends...

One day after school Soobin was going back home. He tried to walk fast for his friends to not catch him. He almost did it everyday but ended up walking with them which he really didn't like it.

''Hey Soobiiiin!'' Screamed Kai. Soobin tried to pretend like he didn't hear.

''Soobin wait for us!'' This time Beomgyu called. Also Soobin ignored him.

But voices didn't stop which made Soobin annoyed and he stopped. Kai and Beomgyu ran towards of him.

''Huh you here'' catch his breath Kai.

''We called you lot and you walk so fast'' added Beomgyu.

''Why are you guys here? Why you need me?'' Coldly asked Soobin.

''Umm we will walk together to home like we always did'' replied Kai.

''Guys i have a serious talk'' said Soobin.

''Okay go on'' said Beomgyu.

''I just want to warn you guys. I'm not in good condition'' said Soobin.

''I know'' replied Soobin.

''So i really need a space. I want to be alone. I don't want you guys to follow me. Because nowadays i can't control myself and i may say something offensive or to do something with you guys... i'm saying don't follow me because i wont to hurt you guys. You are my only close friends. So if you don't want me to hurt you then please stay away. I think all of us wont that'' said Soobin.

''Ah yeah for sure we understand'' said Kai.

''Oh how i'll survive without you'' said Beomgyu ''but i'm sure everything will be okay'' and three of them had a hug.

''Thank you guys for understanding me'' said Soobin and left.

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