Part 21

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''Why you guys are saying like that. He studies well though'' said Mrs.Lee.

''You know Kim Seungbin right? He's not good boy as we all know and Choi Yeonjun is his boyfriend. So i hope you understand what i mean'' said Hyunjin.

''So they are bad?'' Whispered Felix to Hyunjin.

''Kinda. When i studied with them at same class they both were baddies of our class'' replied Hyunjin.

I don't know why but i hate that Yeonjun is not single  though Soobin.


It was holiday. Summer holiday. Soobin decided his best to recover from his depression even if he knows that depression never leaves him. He needed to rest. Soobin had 3 years olded younger sibling. His sister. He went out with her and bought some candies to her. Whike walking Soobin was enjoying summer view. Flowers, trees, green species. New air.

After a walk Soobin arrived home. Soobin take of his litlle sister's shoes ''Here we go little one'' said Soobin and his sister run towards of her mom.

''Oh you guys back? Please can you take these rubbish out?'' Asked Mrs.Choi.

''Sure mom'' replied Soobin.

After few minutes Soobin arrived home.

And got nonfication from someone.

Hey how are you~

I'm okay and you?

Me too

Soobin didnt wanted to end this converstation this soon. And tried to find an idea hiw to continue.

How is your boyfriend?

Ugh him? We've been quietly breaking up.


And its been month we broke up. We are not talking.

Oh thats sad. May be everything will be alright soon

I wish that too😢😢

Soobin got another nonfication.


I love you❤️

Soobin read this but didn't reply he stared to the screen with annoyance. Soobin was sure he's lying. Again one of tricks from Hyunjin's gang he was sure.

Before 'I love you' was the one one of the words which is most appriciated and hard to say but nowadays it's just a game and simple word which doesn't impress you anymore.. though Soobin.

Soobin felt that Minho fekt awkward because Soobin saw ''typing...'' on screen.

Sorry it was a dare.

I got dare

I'm sorry

I knew that though Soobin and still stared to the screen to make Minho even more awkward. Minho deleted chat and Soobin threw his phone with annoyance.

''Ugh why everyone is so stupid'' said Soobin.

He really hates his class and his classmates. He though that reason of his loneliness is because he's in wrong place with wrong people. He even tried his mom that he should move to another school but it ended up with ''no be patient just for two years''.


Holidays ended and again school started. Choi Yeonjun was moving to Soobin's class with a hope that he would start new life.

''Hello students. I'm here to introduce our school's well known students who just moved to our class with successfully passing exam as a new student. Introduce yourself'' said Mrs.Lee.

''Hi my name is Choi Yeonjun. I hope we get on well easily'' said Yeonjun and he searched for Soobin but he was wondered why Soobin wasn't there. He was about choose seat and he chose the last seat. He was about to go there but..

''Hey Yeonie. Seat with me my love'' said Seungbim with a smirk on his face. Yeonjun rolled his eyes and sit with him.

''I'm glad that you moved here because you missed me'' said Seungbin. Yeonjun tried his best to ignore and focus on lessons.

Suddenly Yeonjun heard familiar voice.

''Sorry i'm late may i come in?'' Asked Soobin.

Soobin's heart stopped when he saw that Yeonjun is really here. Soobin and Yeonjun made eye contact for a while.

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