Part 54

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Finally was summer vacation which Soobin was afraid to face.

''Soobin you need to socialize and go and find yourself english course so you'd take and International English Learning Testing System'' said his mother.

''Mom but i'm self studying'' said Soobin.

''We are thinking about your future. You need to interact. And soon you go to the university. So you can't go like that'' said his mom.

Soobin started feeling pressured again. Thats what he was afraid of. But at least he found the course but interact with students was bit hard. Students knew him as an most introverted but also charismatic member.

Yeonjun r u at home?

I was going to school even if we r in vacation. Principal called me to help with some documents

On the way i'd see u..

Soobin stared at his phone but no responce. He put on his headphones and kept going. As it was summer it was really hot. But Soobin did manage to get to school on foot. He decided that he'll see Yeonjun while going back to home.

Soobin entered principal's room. But instead there was Mr.Kim who used to abuse Soobin and other teachers who Soobin does not know.

''Good afternoon. May i know where is Mr.Kim Namjoon?'' Asked Soobin with a gentle smile.

''Ohh Soobin. Are you for documents?'' Asked Mr.Kim.

''Yes teacher. Here are my certificates of my achievements'' said Soobin.

''Give it to me i'll copy it and give it to the principal'' said teacher.

''Thank you'' said Soobin.

''Oh my god! He's such a handsome and cute boy'' suddenly said the other teacher.

''Yeah he's my student. The leader of the whole school with an increadible achievements'' said Mr.Kim.

''His dimples are sooo cutee'' said the other and Soobin blushed a bit. His dimples was his weakness.

''Thank you'' said with a smile Soobin. ''May i go now?'' Asked Soobin in advance

''Yeah sure. Have a nice summer vacation'' said the teacher.

''Oh i never knew i'm pretty famous'' whispered Soobin after exiting the room.

On the way he looked at his phone to see if there any notifications from Yeonjun. But there wasn't any. So he with a hope texted again.

I'm going to ur home~

Pls where r u🫠


I can't


Currently i have a mask on my face😑😑

Sorry i can't go out.

At least pls look from the mirror

I rly would like to see u

I can't

My cucumbers would fall😐😐😐

Pls just for me🫠

Ok ok

After 30 min ill be free


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