Part 50

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Soobin went home. He though he would get call from his family members as they are worried about him but no. Soobin was wrong. Hopelessly he entered his room. He had no hope that everything would be alright.


Soobin went to school. He saw Yeonjun seating on the back bench behind the Beomgyu and Taehyun.

''Hi guys'' greeted with a smile Soobin.

''Hey Binnie. You are so cutee today'' said Yeonjun with a smile.

''Aww thanks'' smiled Soobin.

Soobin took a seat. First lesson was math.

''I decided to move on from Yeji. I think we are not meant to be. So decided to start my new life'' said Yeonjun as he put his head on the desk.

''Hmm really?'' Asked Soobin. He was unsure if Yeonjun did really move on from Yeji.

''Yes. Why i do need her if i have you'' said Yeonjun with a smile. Soobin couldnt help but blush.

As math was boring to Yeonjun he fell asleep on the desk. Soobin was just studying english during the mask. Beomgyu and Taehyun were just being clingy.

Math lessons ended. Break time. Yeonjun still was asleep. Soobin droped his pen as he was tired and gave a look to sleeping Yeonjun. Soobin brushed away Yeonjun's hair from his forehead and stared at him with a smile and could see how handsome was Yeonjun.

Beomgyu saw it and gave a look to Soobin with a smirk.

''Shhh just let him be'' said Taehyun.

After few minutes Yeonjun opened his eyes and Soobin avoided eye contact and pretended like he was just writing.

''Ugh again him'' sighed Yeonjun.

''What?'' Confusedly asked Soobin and as he saw Mr.Kim 'everyones favorite teacher' Soobin understood what Yeonjun meant.

All students greeted the teacher. Lesson has started. Soobin was not paying attention much because he'd think that work he is doing is much important than his teachers lesson.

''Hey look'' whispered Yeonjun.

''Hey whats up?'' Whispered Soobin.

''My finger is bleeding'' showed Yeonjun his bleeding finger.

''Oh my god! Lemme give u a bandage'' said Soobin.

''Choi Yeonjun! Choi Soobin! Stand up'' shouted Mr.Kim and Boys stood up.

''Why are you guys talking during my lessons?!'' Asked Mr.Kim. All Yeonjun doing was just to give a death glare while Soobin was getting mad.

''His hands were bleeding!'' Said Soobin.

''Do i care? And why were you bysy with another stuff and not paying attention to my lesson?'' Asked Mr.Kim.

''I was just doing my self-study english thats all. I was doing nothing wrong'' said Soobin.

''Then tell me what i was talking about?'' Asked Mr.Kim.

''I don't know'' answered in a cold tone Yeonjun and teacher gave a look to Soobin as a sign of that he is waiting an answer.

''Some and any'' whispered Beomgyu quitely.

''Some and any'' answered Soobin.

''Wrong!'' Said Mr.Kim which made Taehyun and Beomgyu look at each other with a shock.

''Actually that was a right answer...'' whispered Felix.

''Soobin you know how dumb you are? Your exam results shows all. If you don't know english then why dont you shut up and focus on my lesson? Know your place Choi Soobin. Now you guys both will stand like this till the end of my class. Shame on you Soobin. Look even if Felix and Hyunjin has an english certificate they still do focus on my class. But you are not even listening me if you are a dumb'' said Mr.Kim.

''Haha such a loser'' said Seungbin and Soobin tried to not pay attention.

Soobin could barely hold his tears. He just hold them to not lose his cool. Why Soobin was being treated like this? Does he really worth for it?

After the lessons he ran away from the class and called his mom.

''Mom'' said Soobin with a tears and tremble on his voice.

His mkm who was at work was now filled with a worry as she heard Soobin's voice. ''Son, are you okay?''

''I can't take it anymore. Please take me away from this place'' said still being on the effect of those bulling. Even bruises which Seungbin made on Soobins skin still existed but they didnt hurt more like mentally did.

''Soobin tell me everything'' said worried mom.

''Just teacher said that i'm stupid and underestimated me infront of everyone. Please take me away from here'' cried louder Soobin.

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