Part 25

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Yeonjun was dobe with Seungbin. Even he knows that Seungbin is following him he tried his best to avoid. Yeonjun though it's crazy if someone follows you with a weird smile like nothing happened.

When Yeonjun arrived the class he imediately went to the back seat where Soobin was reading a book. Seungbin gave death glare to Yeonjun and Yeonjun did the same. Soobin was shocked. When people tried to sit with him Soobin always kicked them out or just avoided. But he was wondered someone could handle him in this situation.

''Have you break up with Seungbin?'' Asked Soobin. Yes before Yeonjun told that they broke up but when Yeonjun moved to their class Soobin though he moved here for Soobin to make up relationship again.

''No? Why are you asking?'' Said Yeonjun.

''Oh i..i.. i mean you you took seat with me'' said Soobin.

''I just miss you Soobin. Long times left i see you changed a lot'' said Yeonjun and some girls nearby called Yeonjun.

''Hey Yeonjun'' called Yeji and Yeonjun gave a look.

''You and Seungbin broke up?'' Asked Yeji.

''Oh my goodness why are you guys asking so?'' Said Yeonjun with annoyance.

''Because you are cheating on him with Soobin'' said Yeji.

Oh no. I don't want to be reason for my Yeonjunnie's break up though Soobin.

''Nah Soobin is better than him. Seungbin may go and do anything he wants i don't care'' replied Yeonjun.

It was lesson time. Soobin still was focused on his book.

''Thanks for the gift'' whispered Yeonjun.

''You saw it?'' Asked Soobin.

''Yes'' said Yeonjun.

''What about inside of diary?'' Asked Soobin.

''No, what's there'' said Yeonjun and quickly got diary and opened it. By seeing aesthetical postcards he got happy and smiled.

''Oh my god thats soo cutee thank you Soobin'' said Yeonjun.

''You worth for more'' said Soobin.

''And in this diary i would write only about us and our future plans'' said Yeonjun.

''Future plans..?'' Soobin was shocked by this.

''Yeah. Together you as idol and me as a model. If i cant be model then idol''

''Woow good. May be that will come true'' said Soobin.

''To be honest i imagine my future with you. I can't imagine it without you'' said Yeonjun.

''Wow then you are one of my future plans'' smiled Soobin.

''You also'' smiled Yeonjun.

Last lesson also finished. Soobin wore his black jacket and took his black bagpack then left the school. On the way he saw Seungbin walking alone but he ignored. Suddenly someone run towards of Soobin.

''Soobiiin!!'' Shouted Yeonjun.

''Oh hyung? Aren't you supposed to go home with Seungbin'' asked Soobin in shock.

''Well please don't mention him. I want to have normal birthday'' said Yeonjun.

''Well where do you live i take you to home'' said Soobin.

''Awww you don't need to but thank you'' said Yeonjun.

''Soo how you gonna celebrate your birthday? Aren't you going to organize party or something like this?'' Asked Soobin and Yeonjun's mood changed quickly.

''No we don't celebrate'' replied Yeonjun.

''What?!'  Soobin got shocked by answer. He couldn't imagine not celebrating his own birthday and also it comes once a year only and miss this..?

''Yeah my dad wasn't on his mood and he said to not celebrate my birthday. But my mom wanted to keep me happy and offered to buy some cake and make some salads and celebrate together alone'' said Yeonjun.

''So thats how you are going to celebrate..?'' Asked shocked Soobin.

''No i rejected my mom's offer. I don't wanna celebrate at all'' said Yeonjun.

''And we are here'' said Yeonjun.

''Bye Yeonjun. Have a nice birthday'' said Soobin and hugged Yeonjun.

''Thank you'' smiled Yeonjun.

''But why?'' Asked Soobin.

''For coming with me and gifts..'' said Yeonjun. ''No one treated me like that''

''You are welcome. Bye'' said Soobin and left as Yeonjun got inside his house.

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