Part 29

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Soobin went to the back seat as usual and Yeonjun followed him. When Soobin put his bag to his own seat he say Yeonjun's bag here.

''I'm sitting with you'' smiled Yeonjun.

''And you know i couldn't hug you because i'm sick and i also should have stayed at home to recover fully. If i hug you you also may catch disease i wont you to get so it would be good if you sit in another place and.. don't come close to me'' said Soobin but Yeonjun came closer and Soobin imediately took step back but Yeonjun hold his wrist.

''I told you don't come close.. i..i just came here because you wanted me to come so please don't come close i wont you to get sick'' said Soobin.

''Soobin. I wont leave you. I will hug you or do whatever i want to with you. I don't care if you sick or not. And i told you that i will heal you so yeah. I wont get sick because of you don't worry'' said Yeonjun and Soobin nodded.

They both took a seat. As always Soobin was focused on his lessons as well.

''Hey you didn't reply to my messages'' whispered Yeonjun.

''But i read all'' replied Soobin.

''Ah really but when i didn't get ''read'' nonfication?'' Asked Yeonjun.

''I created ghost mode. No one sees when i'm online or have i read there messages until i reply.'' Said Soobin.

''Oh you are really isolating yourself from people'' said Yeonjun.

''Thats what i want but still. Yeonjun i don't want to be a reason for your break up with Seungbin'' said Soobin.

''Soobin. You are not the reason'' said Yeonjun.

''But Yeonjun i saw how Seungbin is looking at us. He's jealous. He hates me because he thinks i'm stealing you'' said Soobin.

''Yes i know he's jealous and thats not your fault Soobin. You don't deserve his hate but i do because i betrayed him because i wanted to choose you. Yes Soobin i wanted to be close to you not him. You always listened me and supported me as well. I want to be with you and it's he's fault to not being my ideal type'' said Yeonjun.

''You sure that it's not my fault?'' Asked Soobin.

''Of course not'' replied Yeonjun.

''To be honest you changed lot'' added Yeonjun.

''You mean i became much introverted?'' Asked Soobin.

''Yes even more introverted that you isolating yourself from people and you are shy.. i don't why people say you are cold but your introvertness seems sooo cuteee'' said Yeonjun.

''Oh umm thanks'' said Soobin.

Classes ended. Soobin and Yeonjun went home together.

Day by day they became more clother even others started to notice. All classmates knows Soobin's change as well and his depression too. Lot of classmates had come up to decision that Yeonjun is the one who take Soobin out of his stress. Because Soobin always smiled around Yeonjun. Soobin started to get more warmer than he used too.


Another day of school. Instead of wearing all black he wore clothes with a light color.

 Instead of wearing all black he wore clothes with a light color

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(Soobin's outfit)

Even Soobin finally took of his mask. When he went to school everyone was wondered by his new image. Because everyone used to see Soobin only with dark clothes and face covered with mask.

''Wooow Soobiiin'' shouted Yeonjun and gave hug to Soobin and Soobin hugged him back.

''Wow finally you took off your mask and your pretty face is visible. You became more prettier'' said Yeonjun.

''Also you are pretty with your bangs'' said Soobin.

''It was four months since i got my bangs and you are just mentioning it now?'' Said Yeonjun and both of them laughed.

''And bright color makes you cutee. Always wear sonething like that. Baby pink and blue actually'' said Yeonjun.

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