Part 48

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Another day of school. Yeonjun and Soobin were sitting on the back seat behind of Beomgyu and Kai. Taehyun didn't come because he was sick.

Yeonjun was feeling well. He already moved from Yeji and was feeling well.

Today was extra english class. It was Kim Namjoon's lesson.

Soobin was bored and decided to write on one of pages of english book.

Will you date me? As a joke wrote Soobin to see Yeonjun's reaction.

Yeonjun smiled after reading it and wrote answer and headed it to Soobin.

Yea, i'll♡♡

Soobin smiled after seeing answer.

''Guys how was your english exam'' asked Namjoon.

''Good'' said Minho.

''Who failed?'' Asked Namjoon.

''No one-'' was about to tell Felix but Seungbin cut him off.

''Choi Soobin and Choi Yeonjun both failed exam'' said Seungbin.

''What? How? They are my best students from english!'' Said Namjoon.

''But they failed'' said Seungbin. Yeonjun just rolled his eyes and Soobin's blood was boiling.

''We didn't fail. Are you crazy?!'' Said Soobin.

''You did fail loser. Teacher told that infront of everyone!'' Shouted Seungbin which hurt Soobin. No one, even his dad never raised their voice to Soobin.

''Are you stupid? Teacher didn't tell that'' said Soobin.

''Bitch you failed and everyone knew that you are loser'' said Seungbin.

Soobin was about to curse but Yeonjun patted his shoulder. ''Don't pay attention to that worthless shit'' said Yeonjun. Soobin nodded and calmed down bit.

''Okay guys don't fight. I know you guys have a good knowledge'' said Namjoon.

Lessons have ended. Soobin was packing his things while Yeonjun was already ready to leave.

''Binnie, i'll wait you outside''  said Yeonjun.

''Okay'' said Soobin.

As he packed his things he was about to go out but Seungbin pinned him to the wall.

''Where are you going, you loser'' said Seungbin.

''Let me go'' said Soobin he still tried to not cause something bad.

''Know your place you loser. Don't think that you gonna live peacefully after stealing my Yeonjun'' said Seungbin.

''I didn't steal him. Its real-'' Soobin couldn't say anything as he got slap from his face from Seungbin. Soobin felt hurt but still kept his cool to not seem week.

''You shut up bitch'' said Seungbin.

''But Seungbin. We were friends before Yeonjun moved here. What happened to you? How dare you break our friendship?'' Said Soobin barely holding his tears.

''I don't need a friend like you and don't you dare me to talk me back?! Know your limits loser. You don't deserve Yeonjun at all.'' said Seungbin and left.

Soobin felt hard. First time someone has rised his voice to him. First time he was getting bullied and getting lot of hate. He wanted peaceful life as if he's introvert. He didn't want any attention even negative ones.

He barely hold his tears to not make Yeonjun worried. And he went out to meet Yeonjun who was waiting for him.

''Are you okay?'' Asked Yeonjun.

''Yeah i'm Fine Yeonie'' said Soobin with a little smile.

''Lets go?'' Said Yeonjun.

''Yeah. Lets. I'll walk you to home'' said Soobin.

''Oh you don't need to'' said Yeonjun.

''Nah i want you to be safe'' said Soobin.

''But i also want you to be safe as your home is far away'' said Yeonjun.

''Don't worry about me'' said Soobin.

''Okay then you need to text me when you reach your home'' said Yeonjun.

''Of course i'll'' said Soobin.

As they reached Yeonjun's house. Soobin gave a hug to Yeonjun and then left.

''Reach to home safe Soobiiin~'' said Yeonjun with a smile.

''Thanks and you also don't fall from stairs'' said Soobin which made Yeonjun laugh.

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