Part 39

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''H-hey why are you saying that hyung'' said Soobin.

''You already have enough problems with your family, and no one supports you of being idol, issues with Hyunjin, your depression also and your mental health and here now you are being bullied by Seungbin because of me'' said Yeonjun.

''No Yeonjun. It's not your fault. You are not the one who bullying me. You always heal me'' said Soobin.

''Really?'' Asked Yeonjun with a hope in his eyes.

''Yeonjun... you've always protected me, you always support me, you've always been here for me. You helped me a lot. I'm glad that you came into my life. You bring happiness into my life when i was living in darkness. I'm really happy that you came into my life Hyung. Thank you...'' said Soobin. Tears started to fall from his shiny eyes.

''It's okay Soobinie. I moved here for you Soobin no one else. I'm here for you it's okay'' said Yeonjun and by noticing younger's tears he wiped them away.

Soobin smiled ''really?''

''Yes i found myself in you'' replied Yeonjun.

Soobin hugged Yeonjun tightly.

''Thank you Yeonjun. Thank you so much'' said Soobin and tightened the hug.

''Why Binnie why?'' Said Yeonjun.

''For existing..for breathing and for your every heartbeat..'' said Soobin and Yeonjun smiled.

''Thank you for you too. You are my happiness'' said Yeonjun.


Tomorrow. Again school day as always. Now it was P.E class. No one slap door again as previous one amd Seungbin didn't bully him yet.

''Stand in line!'' Commanded P.E teacher and Students obbeyed.

Soobin amd Yeonjun stand in one line together and gave a smile to each other by holding their hands.

But Seungbin came between them and pushed Soobin away like nothing happened. Yeonjun glared at Seungbin and Beomgyu put his hand on Yeonjun's shoulder as a sign to calm down.

''Bitch'' quietly whispered Yeonjun before calming himself down.

Yeonjun was talking with Beomgyu because he was standing right side of Yeonjun whlie Seungbin was on his left side. But suddenly one of his three rings fell to the floor and rolled until it reached Soobin's legs.

Soobin smiled and put Yeonjun's ring ''good way of confessing your feelings Yeonjun. Thanks i accept that and i'll marry you'' said Soobin and placed ring on his ring finger.

''Aww i'm so happy we can be couple'' laughed awkwardly.

''Oh guys arent we disturbing you should we leave?'' Asked Felix woth a smile.

''No no stay here'' said Soobin.

''You guys are invited on our wedding'' said Yeonjun.

''Hey! Didn't we planned individual? In the middle of the forest? Hm?'' Said Soobin with a smirk on his face.

''Yes yes. As Soobin imtroverted we doing it individualy but i'm gonna invite Felix and by the way our honey moon will be in California!'' Said Yeonjun.

''Yes Los Angeles!'' Shouted Soobin.

''You guys acting like real couple woow'' said Huening.

''I know we are the best'' said Yeonjun and Soobin smiled shyly. Seungbin was giving them both death glare.

''Okay boys!'' shouted P.E teacher as he came. ''Today we gonna play football'' announced him.

''Wooow fotball like a crazy game you know. 22 people will run over just for a one ball'' awkwardly laughed Soobin by facing to Seungbin just to make their relationship good. Seungbin didn't give response. He acted like that Soobin doesn't exist.

Soobin felt awkward and turned to Kai who was on left side of Soobin ''Hey Huening you know in football 22 people run over just for a ball like a dumb''

''Oh my! Yeah thats indeed right'' laughed Kai.

Everyone started to play football but Yeonjun was sitting alone because he wont play. Soobin played. He loved sports. But after few minutes joined Yeonjun who was just sitting alone.

''Tired?'' Asked Yeonjun and Soobin nodded and put his head on Yeonjun's shoulder.

Beomgyu also joined and sit next to Soobin.

''Hey Binnie how are you feeling?'' Asked Beomgyu and massaged Soobins arms. Beomgyu was touchy person.

''Hey don't you dare to touch my husband he's mine okay?'' Said Yeonjun and hugged Soobin tightly moving Soobin away from Beomgyu.

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