Part 12

151 12 4

Guys were wating to get in. Every students were standing outside of the school.

''Why you took your bag with yourself?'' Asked Heeseung.

''Because important thing is there'' said Yeonjun and searched something inside of it. After few seconds he took candies from his bag.

''Oh here!'' Said Yeonjun and handed it to Soobin then he gave it to Heeseung and lastly he started eating his one.

''Candies relies my nervious situation'' said Yeonjun.

Suddenly adminstration called them inside by announcing that olympiad is starting. Guys entered inside of school. There were lot of participants.

''I don't care if i win or not''  warned himself Soobin by getting ready for failure.

Test consisted of vocabulary, grammar and reading tasks.

Heeseung was the first who finished the test. Afyer few minutes Yeonjun. But it took more time to Soobin to finish. Yeonjun gave Soobin quickly look by checking him.

''Those who finished give me your answers and you may leave'' annouced one of examiners.

Yeonjun and Heesung handed their paper then they left. After five minutes Soobin also finished and then left.

Outside he saw Heeseung, Yeonjun and Mr.Kim was waiting for him.

''How was it?'' Asked Mr.Kim.

''Oh normal. Quite normal!'' Said Heeseung.

''Difficult'' said Yeonjun.

''It was confusing'' said Soobin.

''Oh.. i hope you wont dissapoint me. Lets go home?'' Said Mr.Kim.

''Oh teacher you know my house is nearby. May i go alone?'' Asked Soobin.

''Sure but be careful'' said Mr.Kim.

And Soobin bowed than left without saying bye and headed home.


It was evening. Soobin woke up from his nap. He saw nonfication from his teacher.

Answers are out

*photo sent*

So we won..?

No you failed

Yeonjun 21/40

Heeseung 33/40

Soobin 26/40


''Ah i knew i'm gonna lose. Anyways'' sighed Soobin.


Soobin started his normal life. He went to his class. He was happy with Beomgyu, Kai and Chan. School principal offered actually forced Soobin to take part on Poetry awards. Soobin denied all time.

Today Soobin was entering school with Beomgyu and Kai but suddenly Mrs.Jisoo called Soobin.

''Choi Soobin come here'' Soobin was wondered why she was calling in the starting of the day. Then Soobin saw that all school adminstrators and principal was waiting for him. Soobin got nervious.

''As we told. Will you take part?'' Said school principal.

''But.. i told that i have focus on english!'' Said Soobin.

''Thats important'' said one of the teachers.

''Give me your mothers number'' said school principal and gave his phone. Soobin had no way. He typed his mothers number.

''And now call'' commanded him. Soobin obeyed.

Hi said his mother.

''Hi mom..'' said Soobin

Soobin?! Soobin is everything okay??? Asked worriedly Mrs.Choi. Soobin didn't answer and gave phone to school principal.

Soobin was quietly sitting. He was listening how he also was forcing his mom.

''Now your mom allowed'' saod School principal.

''Okay.. may i go now?'' Asked Soobin.

''Yeah sure'' replied him.


Another day. In the break time Soobin went towards of Beomgyu who always used to sit alone.

''Hey'' said Soobin.

''Oh how are you!'' Said Beomgyu.

''Fine and you?'' Asked Soobin.

''Me too'' replied Beomgyu.

''Any news?'' Again asked Soobin.

''Um i don't know but you know Taehyun is sooo hooot!'' Said Beomgyu by looking at Taehyun who was talking with Hyunjin.

''Uh.. Is that new student?'' Asked Soobin.

''Yaaass'' said Beomgyu still staring at Taehyun.

''Beomgyu are you okay..?'' Asked Soobin. ''You are in love'' smiled Soobin.

''Uh no! Umm yes but no. I don't know. May be yes i think no'' said Beomgyu which made Soobin smile even more.

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