Part 20

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Soobin got an offer to participate another english compitition with Felix and Hyunjin but Soobin though Yeonjun would be there too but was wrong. Soobin tried his best to survive in between his ex crush Hyunjin and his boyfriend Felix. It was bit heard. On the way in the car Soobin was sitting in middle of them. Soobin felt clear that Hyunlix couple uncomfortable that Soobin is middle of them. Soobim easily noticed how Hyunjin and Felix texted to each other on phone because they can't talk because Soobin is middle of them. Soobin tried his best to not get emotional.

They arrived to the compitetion place and compitation was quite good. They had to take a test. Hyunjin finished his test first and let Felix to copy. Soobin saw all and tried his best to not react.

Every participant finished their test but Soobin still was doing it without any desire.

Examiner was staring to Soobin. Soobin could felt that and started to talk with examiner in english. ''Ahh.. whatever i don't have a hope that i would win''.

''Oh why?'' Asked examiner.

''Because i failed lot'' replied Soobin.

''No you will win i see you know english well'' said he.

''Well i don't have a hope anymore i'm done'' replied Soobin.

''C'mon you can. And i think you know other languages too right?'' Asked examiner.

''Yes i do. Japanese, russian and bit turkish'' replied Soobin.

''Woow good. I know spanish and i've been interested on Italian too'' replied examiner.

Examiner and Soobin had a long talk. They talked about each others lives but only in english.

''Oh its getting dark. Have you finished your work?'' Asked examiner since they were alone.

Soobin looked the sky and noticed that its blue hour and he rushed to finish his test.

''I'm done'' said Soobin.

''Alright put papers there and sign here'' said examiner.

''Thank you'' said Soobin and smiled. He was happy after all this depression. And Soobin understood that he needed new people in his life. Soobin had only one problem. People in his past, people who been with him since long times. Soobin hates them because they saw another side of him and wont accept new changed him. He wanted new people because he had a chance to introduce new himself.

''Thank you too. I had exam from lot of students and i was bored. You were unique one. My headache is gone after our converstation'' said examiner which made Soobin smile. Even though examiner was older as his father he get on well.

''I have to go home now since you are last participant'' said examiner .

''Oh be safe. Bye'' said Soobin and left exam hall. 

When he was out he saw Felix, Hyunjin and their english teacher Mrs.Lee was waiting there.

''Soobin are you okay'' asked teacher.

''Yes i am. Sorry you waited long'' apologized Soobin.

''It's okay we've been worried about your health since i've been noticed that you are not good. Your skin is becoming pale'' said teacher. Soobin knows all. His depression, headache and sometimes heart attack.

They went back to school by car but this time Soobin sat right side of the car to let Felix to sit with Hyunjin.

''Guys you heard news?'' Asked Mrs.Lee.

''What news?'' Asked Hyunjin.

''Choi Yeonjun from another class moving to our class'' said Mrs.Lee.

''And what he needs here'' whispered Hyunjin.

''He was from your old class right?'' Whispered Felix.

''Yes he is'' replied Hyunjin.

''Is he good guy?'' Asked Felix.

''Ah yeah he us 'Good, good' '' said Hyunjin with sarcasm and Soobin gave confusing look.

''Oh i know that he's smart studenr so gonna have another smart student'' said Mrs.Lee.

''But i don't think others going to accept him'' said Felix.

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