Part 16

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''Hey wassup'' Soobin greeted Kai.

''Fine'' replied Kai by giving a hug to Soobin.

''Glad. I wanna sit with you today'' said Soobin and put his bag on table.

''Well you don't wanna sit alone today?'' Said Kai because lot of times when Kai tried to sit with Soobin he says that needs alone time and been rejected lot.

''Yes kinda'' replied Soobin already sitting and preparing for the lesson.

''I guess everything is going fine with Hyunjin'' said Kai with a smirk on his face.

''Yes'' smiled Soobin ''he said we need keep our relationship on secret. I don't know why'' said Soobin.

''Who are you for him then?'' Asked Kai which made Soobin think.

''I don't know? Nor friends or lovers... whatever we talk everyday thats enough'' said Soobin.

''You guys only talk online not offline. Why?''  Asked Kai.

''Thats interesting. By the way don't break my motivation!'' Said Soobin and gave weak hit to Kai and Huening just laughed.

''Hey whats goin on here?'' Said Kai suddenly.

''Wait where?'' Asked Soobin and gave a look to the place which Kai pointed.

It was Taehyun who was standing in front of Beomgyu with his bag which made Soobin wondered. Because Soobin knows well that Beomgyu secretly crushing Taehyun.

''Hey may i sit here?'' Asked in smooth voice Taehyun.

''Yeah... of course...BUT WHY?'' said Beomgyu. He though he was dreaming. He though that no one would pay attention to loner like him except his friends Kai and Soobin.

''Ah actually i played truth or dare with Hyunjin and Changbin so i chose dare and Hyunjin dare me to sit with you so.. yeah'' explained Taehyun and already sitting comfortably.

''You are not comfortable with me?'' Asked Taehyun by noticing Beomgyu's stare.

''Ah what? No no of course. I..i understand that'' said Beomgyu.

During the lessons while Kai and Soobim were focused to their classwork Taehyun and Beomgyu were bored. Taehyun was impatient so he started to talk Beomgyu and knew that he has lot of similiarities. They became close.

''So you sit with me only because your friends forced you?'' Asked Beomgyu.

''No no no. Actually to be honest i've been interested on you from long times and you are mysterious i didn't know how to get you but thankfully my friends made me chance'' said Taehyun.

''Are you kidding me?'' It was hard to Beomgyu believe all.

''No i'm not. By the way can you give me your number?'' Asked Taehyun.

''Ah yeah sure'' said Beomgyu and took Taehyun's copybook and wrote his number on corner of its page.

''Thank you'' smiled Taehyun.

And bell rang. It was break time.

''Okay i need to go and refresh the air. I'll be back'' said Taehyun and went for a walk.

After Taehyun left Soobin and Kai run towards of Beomgyu.

''Congrats!!!'' Screamed Kai.

''Hey quiet!'' Said Beomgyu.

''Everyone started to ship you guys!!'' Said Kai.

''Oh my god. Already?'' Asked Beomgyu. ''But why?''

''The way Taehyun talks and looks at you says all!'' Said Soobin.

''Well how are you feeling?'' Asked Soobin.

''Damn he's so hot you know. He smells even hot and even his bag also smells hot! He's hot man!!'' Said Beomgyu.

''Emm thats awkward..'' said Soobin Beomgyu cut him off.

''Try to smell'' suggested Beomgyu.

''Wait you already smell him? But how?'' Asked Soobin.

''His neck'' replied Soobin.

''Uh well i wont because he's not my boyfriend'' said Soobin.

''Neither mine'' replied Beomgyu.

''At least he's your crush'' said Soobin and noticed Taehyun was coming.

''Oh hi'' greeted Soobin Taehyun.

''Hi'' Taehyun greeted him back.

''Have nice moment'' whispered Kai to Beomgyu and winked.

Lessons have ended. Taehyun escorted Beomgyu home.

After few minutes Beomgyu got nonfication from Taehyun.

A/N: this chapter contained some Taegyu moments.

Hope you are enjoying.

Have a nice day lovelies. No i mean the best day. All the best wishes for u~♡

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