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Firstly i wanna thank all readers for reading this book till the end. I appriciate ur supoort a lot.

I also wanna apologize becayse this story is messy and long. I'm sorry for that.

And also if there any typo's i hope u guys understand me.

This story was inspired by my life when i met most important person in my life MorrisParadis. I love her so much. Cuz she definetly changed my life. She came wgen i was in bad condution and bring light into my life. From her i learned how to confident and love myself also relased its okay to be myself and badass lol.

I felt loved for the first time. If she was a boy i'd probably date her👀🩷

So why i chose Yeonbin?

Well simple. You wanna hear a story? You can compare it with story ones.

Well when she moved to my class we weren't much close as she was with 'Seungbin' but on P.E class she made a joke that i'd fly to Korea and meet TXT.

And i was like ''You know TXT?!''

and she was like ''Of course! I'm Moa!''

And i was like ''Oh my God! I'm Moa too!!''

And i asked ''who is your bias?''

She said ''Soobin!!'' And i said ''Mine Yeonjun!!''

Yeah thats how we became besties. Well in this story i reffered her as a Yeonjun amd i'm myself Soobin. Yes switched biases. Why?

Cuz my bestie Morris itself told that she gives same vibe with Yeonjun like energetic, cool and confident and extroverted. And she told that i'm calm, introverted like Soobin. Thats why.

Thank you for your attention my lovely readers🩷

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