Part 3

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Soobin was wondered.

''Really??'' Asked Soobin.

''Yeah and my mom says i can be in relationship with him but she doesn't allow me to marry him. Because she saw my real soulmate in her dream'' said Yeonjun.

''Oh it's okay. If your love is real than it may change destiny'' cheered Soobin.

''May be but my mom said she saw tall guy with fluffy black hair and boy with dimples... and she liked him''  said Yeonjun.

''Oh...'' reacted Soobin with confusing face.

Soobin was silent and doing his test. After Yeonjun seeing that Soobin is working he also started to contiune his test. After few minutes Soobin finished his work.

''Done'' whispered Soobin by smiling.

''Oh my god! Already?!'' Asked shocked Yeonjun.

''Yes. You know you talk a lot'' said Soobin. ''Thats why you couldn't focus on your work'' explained him. Yeonjun sighed.

Suddenly their teacher entered the library to check them out.

''Good afternoon Mr.Kim'' greeted guys.

''Good afternoon. How is your work going?'' Asked Mr Kim.

''I'm done'' said Soobin proudly.

''Good job Soobin. What about you Yeonjun?'' Asked Mr.Kim

''Uh.. Umm.. not yet'' said Yeonjun by looking his paper.

''Ok i have to check and then go. So lets check your work'' said Mr.Kim.

He checked answers. Yeonjun got low mark than the Soobin. But Soobin still was wondered by Yeonjun's knowledge of english.

''Okay guys train here until 5 pm. I have to go don't forget too practice by Destination B2 book'' said Mr.Kim and went.

''Oh until 5 pm?!'' Almost screamed Soobin.

''I have a time'' said Yeonjun.

''I do also bit i don't wanna stay this long'' pouted Soobin.

''But we have to'' sighed Yeonjun.

''Ugh yeah'' said Soobin and contiuned his work.

Yeonjun looked at Soobin and saw him that he's busy and he out his earphones on and put on music.

Ah he's peacefully doing his study though Soobin by looking at Yeonjun.

Everyone left library for lunch. Librarian came and asked from Soobin ''Hey will you stay here for long guys?''

''Oh yeah we do!'' Said Soobin while Yeonjun even didn't noticed.

''Okay guys. I was going to have a lunch. So i'll trust this library to you guys.'' Said the librarian.

''Okay no problem'' smiled Soobin and contiuned his study.

Soobin peacefully was kearning English vocabulary suddenly Soobin heard how Yeonjun started to sing while hearing song from earphone. Soobin gave look to Yeonjun but Yeonjun was to much focused to the song and suddenly he started to dance. Soobin was looking to Yeonjun confusingly. Soobin was glad that teachers wasn't here. Soobin knew that it was playing DNA - BTS.

After few seconds. Yeonjun took off his earphones and gave a look to Soobin who was on his phone.

''It would be good if we duet together'' said Yeonjun.

''Maybe'' reolied Soobin without giving look to Yeonjun.

Silence was between them. Soobim really wanted to go home and have a rest.

Soobin decided to text Beomgyu.


Hey wassup?

Are you still at school?

Yes i was just about to go home

Beomgyu please pick me up🥺🥺

Please please(((

Okay are you still at that library?


Okay i'm coming. Wait for me!!!

Thank you❤️

Soobin was just staring at his books while Yeonjun was studying.

Uh so i have to study till the evening.. but hey i'm not alone! Soobin is with me! Though Yeonjun and smiled but suddenly he felt door open. Cute boy came in.

''Hey Soobin!'' Said Beomgyu with a smile.

''Hello'' smiled Soobin.

''Let's go and pick up your things'' said Beomgyu.

''Okay'' said Soobin and he put his things to his bag.

Yeonjun gave confusing look on them.

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