Part 40

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''Hey he's my ex!'' Said Beomgyu playfully.

''But now he's mine!'' Said Yeonjun.

Soobin was quietly watching them and after few minutes Yeonjun and Beomgyu started to talk with each other which already started Soobin make jealous.

''Oh lets check! My fingers are longer!'' Said Yeonjun.

''Oh i though its mine'' pouted Beomgyu.

Soobin didn't say anything but stood up just to leave with hope that they would notice him but no. They didn't even pay attention.

Soobin entered to the clothing room. Happily there wasn't anyone and Soobin was alone. He took breathe out and heat the wall several times which made his hands bleed for a little.

Soobin decided to go out. May be Yeonjun would pay attention this time?

WhenSoobin opened door he almost bumped on Taehyun who was passing by.

''Hey are you okay? Whats with your hands?'' Asked Taehyun.

Uh wrong person though Soobin.

''I'm fine thanks'' said Soobin as they both went. Beomgyu smiled by seeing Taehyun.

''Hey what are doing here you said you would skip this useless lesson'' said Beomgyu.

''Well i just came here to see you bae'' said Taehyun and patted Beomgyu's head.

''You wanna joim our talk?'' Asked Yeonjun with a smile.

''Why not'' replied Taehyun and took seat left side of Beomgyu while Yeonjun was on his right side.

Three of them had talk and laughed Soobin felt like he forgot his own language. Soobin felt mad and again left them alone. No. No one payed attention.

Soobin entered again changing room. ''Ugh what should i do!'' Said Soobin. ''I guess firstly i need to calm down so i need to drink water or ekse its hard to breathe'' said Soobin and took 2000 wons and went towards of canteen. After making stemp on it he went back to the restroom. Just to wash his bleeding hands abd again went back to canteen like nothing happened. Those who were sitting stared at Soobin by seeing his existense.

Soobin arrived and saw chiefs were busy buy cooking meal and desserts.

''Uhm excuse me?'' Said Soobin and older woman came.

''What would you like?'' Asked woman.

''Oh.. Good afternoon Ma'am. Can i have bottle of water please?'' Asked Soobin with a smile.

''Ah how so cute. Yes of course'' said her and handed water.

''Ah thank you'' smiled Soobin and gave his money.

''Excuse me its 3000 wons not 2000'' said She.

''Oh i'm so sorry.. oh can you wait for a minute? I'll be right back. I promise i'll give you other 1000 wons!'' Said Soobin in a worry feeling guilty.

''Yes sure'' smiled she from his cuteness.

Soobin run towards of his bavkpack which was in changing room took other 1000 wons and run towards of canteen and handed it to the woman ''here'' took deep breathe Soobin.

''Okay'' said she and Soobin smiled and went back to have some water.

P.E lesson finished. Boys started to enter changing room.

''Hey you alright?'' Beomgyu noticed Soobins hand ''hey whats wrong with your hand?'' Asked him.

''I hit wall'' honestly answered Soobin.

''W..what? Why?!'' Asked Soobin.

''I wanted to..'' said Soobin with a smile.

''Soobin..i told you many times. Don't! Harm! Yourself!'' Said Beomgyu and Soobin just nodded.

''You sure that you are okay?'' Asked Huening.

''Yes i'm fine and today i wont go with you. You may leave alone'' said Soobib.

''I understand you hyung. Bye'' said Kai and opened his arms as a sign of hug. Soobin smiled and quickly hugged Kai and let him go bye saying ''Bye''.

''You again harm yourself huh?'' Said Yeonjun.

''Umm..'' Soobin even didn't know how to explain.

''I told you Bin. Love yourself'' said Yeonjun. Soobin just nodded.

Soobin quickly wore his uniform as it was the last lesson Soobin quickly run away from Yeonjun and Beomgyu. But when he went outside someone patted his shoulder.

''Hey why? You left without me?'' Said Yeonjun.

''Oh i um.. decided to wait you outside'' said Soobin.

''Fine lets go then'' said Yeonjun.

As always Yeonjun talked and Soobin was listener.


Another school day. As always Yeonjun and Soobin took same seat. This time Soobin mostly ignored Yeonjun. Because he still was jealous about Yeonjun and Beomgyu.

''You know Taehyun and Beomgyu had argument i think they broke up'' said Yeonjun.

Soobin just nodded and contiuned doing his classworks. Yeonjun didn't say anything and took seat with Beomgyu who was sitting alone. Soobin got shocked from this sudden betrayal.

A/n: sorry for rare update. I'm really studying hard for my upcoming exam..

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