Part 5

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''Woow? Is that possible? How it's even possible? Handsome boys like you already must have someone! Or even fans!'' Said Yeonjun.

''Well actually i don't have. Most important you have love of your life be happy'' saod Soobin.

''But you know sometimes i want to be single...'' said Yeonjun.

''Don't say that. Being single is the hardest thing ever.'' Said Soobin.

''But...''  Yeonjun was about to say but Soobin cut him off.

''You know you feel like no one loves or cares you. You start to judge yourself. You feel lonely. You feel like everyone is findimg their beloved but you still single and you start to overthink it's reason. You cant sleep at night with thinking why you cant be loved or why no one cares you or why you are single or whats wrong with you? Are you bad or ugly? You overthink because you cant be loved by others!'' Explained Soobin.

''Hey Soobin. Calm down. It's okay. I see you are living hard period. I also had that until i started to date with my crush. I also cried by saying ''why i am single? Why i can't be loved?'' But see it passed away. You also will find someone soon'' cheered Yeonjun.

''May be'' said Soobin sadly.

''Don't you even have a crush on someone?'' Asked Yeonjun. Soobin was silent I don't wanna share my secrets to just a person which i met just yesterday! But i want to.. though Soobin.

''I have'' whispered Soobin.

''Who may i know?'' Asked Yeonjun.

''I wont'' said Soobin. Yeonjun pouted. ''Well he's from your class and just moved here this year'' said Soobin.

''Oh who? Who? Tell me and i will tell informations about him'' said Yeonjun.

''Umm... Hyunjin..'' said Soobin.

''Wow Hyunjin! He's smart, artistic and handsome. He had stolen every girls heart by his handsomene visuals. But he's bit introvert you know'' said Yeonjun.

''I know but heart wants what it wants'' said Soobin.

''I understand. Good luck to you Soobin'' smiled Yeonjun.


Next day of training. Soobin again went to class to skip his practice.

''Soobin. You again gotta skip your practice?'' Asked Beomgyu.

''Yaas'' replied Soobin.

''But what if they will call you?'' Asked Kai.

''Hey hey pray that that wouldn't happen'' said Soobin. Beomgyu and Huening stared at him confusingly.

Lessons started it was science. Soobin's favorite one. He was enjoying experiments but suddenly someone opened door loydlycwhich caught everyones attention.

''Yeonjun?'' Wondered Kai.

''Good morning Mrs.Lee i need Soobin right now'' said Yeonjun. Everyone started to ship Soobin with him. Soobin pretended like heard nothing.

''Why'' asked teacher.

''Um me and him won olympiad from english and we have to practice for the next level so Mr Kim calling us'' saod Yeonjun.

''Alright Choi Soobin you may go'' allowed teacher. Soobin sighed and put his bag and went out.

When he went out Yeonjun was standing there.

''Well how dod you find out my class?'' Asked confusingly Soobin.

''Well my classrom is next to yours so thats why'' said Yeonjun.

''Did Mr.Kim called me?'' Asked Soobin.

''No he didn't'' said Yeonjun.

''So then why did you called me?'' Said Soobin trying to not show dissapointment.

''I was bored'' said Yeonjun. Soobin just nodded.

They both entered the library and took their seat. Soobin quietly started to do his study.

''Hey'' called Yeonjun. Soobin gave a look. ''Can you give me your number?'' Asked Yeonjun.

''Why?'' Asked Soobin.

''Uh umm what about your instagram accaunt?'' Asked Yeonjun.

''I have no instagram'' replied Soobin.

''Uhhh tiktok?'' Asked Yeonjun.

''Also tiktok'' replied Soobin.

''Oh such a good boy'' said Yeonjun. ''So what do you have then?'' Asked Yeonjun.

''Telegram only... i was allowed only for that'' replied Soobin.

''Give me your accaunt'' said Yeonjun by putting his phone to save Soobin's accaunt.

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