4. Something Is Brewing

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I walk down the stairs to Potions and can't figure out why Sebastian is all but frigid to me. Like yesterday never happened. The way he held my face. The way he looked into my eyes. Like if the nurse had come even thirty seconds later something real and amazing and truly altering to our friendship might have happened.

Maybe the romantic side was all in my head. And he's putting distance between us to show we're still friends. But just friends.

My heart feels like a stone in my chest and I resign myself to that possibility. Perhaps this is Sebastian's way of making sure our friendship, the thing that truly means the world to me, stays strong and intact.

I absentmindedly lift the end of my braid to smell it. The fresh smell of summer strawberries and mint is pleasant and I need to thank Imelda. Even if Sebastian couldn't take the time to even look at me, at least it's something I enjoy.

There are certainly worse roommates. We've grown to respect each other and are looking forward to quidditch tryouts soon. I thought she'd sit next to me in class but she opted to sit closest to the board, a guarantee that she won't miss any information, and as she put it. "Damon has to at least look at me once if I'm sitting at the front of class."

I see Sebastian walk in and spot me, but he immediately averts his gaze again. My face falls into a scowl as I watch him enter the room.

He's looking around for anywhere else to sit but beside me, and the only open table is now the one directly behind me. With a whole body eye roll he and Ominis walk to the table and take their seats.

Fine. I think. At least Ominis will speak to me .

I turn to hand Ominis his parchment and put on a dazzling smile, even though Ominis won't see it, Sebastian will. "Special delivery!" I recall our inside joke from last year. He breaks into a smile and holds his hand out in a purposefully incorrect direction. I laugh and set the parchment before him. "Ominis, you left this at breakfast."

"Thank you very much!" Ominis says sincerely as he tucks the parchment away. "Special delivery indeed."

"What was that?" Sebastian gapes at his friend.

"Just a joke from last year." I give an easy shrug.

Sebastian crosses his arms, his voice dripping with condescension. "Anything else from last year you care to share?"

Ominis furrows his brow. "Still, with the bad mood?" He turns to me shaking his head. "He's just angry because he got caught out past curfew. You didn't even get reported so I don't know why you're choosing to be so upset."

Returning the condescending look right back at Sebastian. "Why did you leave? You should have just stayed with me and we could've walked together."

Sebastian rolled his eyes. "I don't always need you bailing me out."

I can't help but scoff at his words. "Is that what you think this is? Our friendship is just me bailing you out?"

But before I can say more the Head Boy, Damon Wilkshire, strides into the classroom. The last empty stool is next to me. He looks Sebastian over, and they exchange a steely hard gaze before he takes the seat beside me.

Even sitting on the stool, he is still much taller than me, but he greets me with a wide warm smile. He's impeccably dressed in the most expensive robes and his tie has a little silver snake pinning it in place. Stars above, he does smell amazing. "Rich" as Imelda put it, and she wasn't wrong.

Damon slides a hand with a silver family crest on the ring in front of me. "I really hope you remember me." He admits with a cheeky smile. His voice is deeper than any of the other seventh years, regardless of the house.

He Couldn't Be That Bad? // Sebastian Sallow and You (spicy)Where stories live. Discover now