6. The Last Bastion For Sebastian (a little spicy)

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Sebastian tilted his head and said with a gleam in his eye. "Why were you following me?"

"Why are you buying knives from strangers?" I say, leaning against the stone wall behind me, trying to remain as casual as possible. Even though I'm thoroughly trapped at the end of this alley.

Examining my face a moment before he said so aloof it almost gave me whiplash. "Buying a parchment of human skin."

"Excuse me?" My eyes widened. He's messing with me. He has to be. "I saw a knife."

"Yup, that too." Sebastian took another step towards me, still holding my hat. "Salazar Slytherin's blood magic. I'm using it to find Ann."

My blood goes cold, this is exactly what I'd feared. I'm regretting not grabbing Ominis for backup on my way out. "Don't you remember what happened last time you toyed around with such things?"

"Salazar used this magic to locate descendents of his bloodline. And this spell work will help me find my bloodline. Ann."

Shaking my head, I can't believe what I'm hearing. "It would be a wise decision to let Ann have her space. If she really wants to talk to you she'll write."

He scoffs and runs a hand through his thick brown hair. "I have written her letters, my owl comes back with them every time. Like he can't find her. I'm worried she's in danger. And if she's dying, I want to be there with her."

"This is a mistake. A dangerous mistake. What if someone finds out?"

His gaze darkens and he sweeps towards me in two steps. "You're not going to tell anyone about it this time?"

I try to take a step back but I'm already pressed against the stone wall. "This time? I didn't tell anyone before!"

Ignoring me, he leans in further. There is something in his expression that makes him older. It's not anger, but something else. Something dangerous.

"There could be consequences." He practically croons as he puts a hand on the wall beside my head, bracketing me in place. "Even for a Prefect."

He leans forward and something in his eyes shifts as his gaze briefly looks down at my mouth.

I can barely speak. He's so close to me, something I didn't realize I'd wanted so badly but now that it's happening, my brain can't seem to process it. "Is that why you've been so cold to me? You think I turned you in?"

"No," he says simply, but he's still over me. "But I'm glad to know you're still on my side."

"I've always been on your side. Isn't that obvious." I whisper, and I can't help it. I look over his pleasing jaw, the way a muscle under it clenches while he's looking at me like a bobcat watches a fieldmouse.

"I suppose Damon can't see us down here." He says, and that actually surprises me.

"Who cares about Damon?" I say breathlessly. His arms are caging me in, and I want nothing more than for them to wrap around me. His hands in my hair. Kissing me senseless.

"The git told me to stay away from you. He caught me out after curfew the other night. Said if I stood in his way, he'd turn me in. No more school." Sebastian says, something in his voice is angry yet resigned.

"Well, you're definitely in the way now." I tease, my eyebrow flicking up.

With his other hand he runs his fingers down my purple hued hair. As he reaches out, the sleeve of his sweater lifts. I see a mark on his forearm, it's a scar, surrounded by lots of other scars.

"What did the ministry have you do while on probation?" I say, trying to get a better look. My heart pricks at the thought. While I was having fun and eating feasts and life was slowly returning to normal. Sebastian was forced to endure- who knows what.

He Couldn't Be That Bad? // Sebastian Sallow and You (spicy)Where stories live. Discover now