10. Keep Your Friends Close

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I look over at him, unsure what to expect, perhaps some sort of lecture.

Damon folds his arms and leans up against the wall. After taking a long look up and down the empty corridor, he surprises me as his face softens into a smile. "I'm thankful you came into the great hall when you did."

He pulls some candy from his pocket, taking a bite of licorice and holding one out for me too.

Now that I know I'm not on the defense, I walk over to him, and take the candy from his hand. This sudden turn of, I don't know, normalcy , takes me back. I don't know why I was expecting a reprimand. Probably because he took himself so seriously. Perhaps it's another Slytherin family trait.

Damon is leaning against the wall, absentmindedly munching on a candy, looking the most relaxed I've ever seen him. Despite his impossibly tidy robes, and his hair still perfectly in place.

He looks rather pleased with himself. I wonder if his robes really are enchanted like his kerchief to never wrinkle, or repel any sort of stain.

After he finished chewing, Damon gestures down to my robes, they aren't as impossibly clean as his, but I'm still proud at how little food that managed to hit them. One of his eyebrows flicks up. "I see Slytherin indeed has the best duelists. I'm proud that us Prefects are setting such a high standard for the rest of our peers."

I shrug, I still haven't taken a bite of the licorice, instead, turning it over a few times in my palm. "After what I saw tonight. I'd be quick to wager that the Crossed Wands trophy is staying put in our common room."

"Indeed. With my name on it." He rakes his gaze up and down my body. "You're quite impressive. Nice to know all the rumors are true." He pulls another candy from the bag and uses it to point at me. "I saw you redirect that lightning bolt."

I put a hand through my hair, pushing it out of my face with a sigh. "I did, no thanks to you." Softening my words with a smile, I continue. "It was all quite amazing, yourself. How you handled the situation with Leander and Garreth. And it's not just because they're dull as rocks that they didn't see your plan coming. It was chess level brilliant."

The enchanted broom down the corridor finishes sweeping up the last remnants of the food into a dustpan. With an easy swish of his wand, Damon flicks them both out of existence.

"Never thought I'd see you clean." I chuckle to myself.

"I've become quite proficient at cleaning my own messes." Damon looks at me candidly. "Whatever form they come in."

"Can it sweep up people? Would have been funny to see some particular people get swept up and carried outside with the trash." I jest.

"Perhaps next time." Damon looks at me, absentmindedly chewing. "I think you and I could make a pretty good team." He says casually, his eyes are soft and disarming.

I consider this a moment, his wand work was impressive and if we were a team then the dueling tournament would be ours for sure. No splitting the trophy with Gryffindor half the time.

And we'd be sure to beat Norrida. My burning pride is a little too happy at the thought of beating her again. Especially as she demonstrated she was such a formidable threat.

I sigh, shaking my head. "Sorry, I gave Lucan my word we'd be dueling partners again."

But it occurs to me that Sebastian has a borrowed wand. And since Lucan ensured he wanted none of the teachers there. Surely Sebastian will want to be in the tournament with me.

I don't know how I'm going to have that conversation with Lucan and I'm really not looking forward to it. Plus if I reject Damon's invitation for Lucan, then pair up with Sebastian anyways... I might lose the good will I've built with my fellow Prefect. And after what went down at the Great Hall, I need him on my side.

He Couldn't Be That Bad? // Sebastian Sallow and You (spicy)Where stories live. Discover now