21. Feldcroft (absolute smut)

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Being here sets my teeth on edge. Each corner of this little town stained in poor memories. It would be even worse for Sebastian, so I haven't the faintest clue why he'd choose to be here.

I dash through town, the short stone wall guiding me in the dark night as I make my way around the wide sweeping circle of the hamlet. Most folks of this farming village have already turned in for the night. Even the shop keepers and artisans have packed it in.

Torches extinguished along pathways, the only light is flickering from the windows of the cottages. Curtains pulled tight. It isn't welcoming.

The lack of moon in the sky means I'd usually pull out my wand for a light to guide me. But with the village so dark, I don't want to draw attention to myself unnecessarily.

Darting towards Sebastian's home I think there is no way he's here. Returned to this place he no longer considers home. A place tainted with such despair and charred memory.

I'm nearing the house I'd visited before. After a year of neglect, I expect to see a disheveled shack. Forgotten over time and abandoned. But there are fresh flowers in the beds out front. The gate has a little sign that reads "the Sallows" with two tiny painted handprints and two varying size adult handprints. I know that wasn't there last time. And there is an orange glow behind the curtains in the window. Smells of fire and a home cooked dinner wafted out of the chimney.

I stop before the gate. Staring up at the house. My hand on the gate latch but stopping just there. How long has Sebastian been coming back here? Had Ann actually returned? My stomach is swimming with butterflies as I finally summon the courage to pull the metal latch and walk through the gate. My heart picks up as I step across the smooth stone path. And my hands are shaking as I knock on the door.

A hurried shuffling sounds from inside then the door is thrown open.

I braced for... something. I don't know what.

"Ann!" Sebastian is illuminated from behind with firelight glow, sweat has beaded on his brow, and his face falls when he sees it's just me.

That look sliced at my heart like a physical blow. He peered beyond me and upon not seeing his sister he scowled.

"Good to see you too." I stomp past him and don't bother taking off my boots. "What are you doing here?"

Seeing that I wasn't leaving, he shut the door and repositioned the latch. "I could ask you the same question." He walked across the room and leaned against the dining table with his arms folded.

Stepping inside, it looks like he's been redecorating. Ann's things are obviously present, front and center, and there are now pictures of his parents and other family memories and keepsakes back on the walls and mantle. But I don't see the knife, the parchment, or anything else nefarious looking.

"I see you've been busy." I gesture to the new additions. There is a coppery tinge to the air that smells like blood, although I can't see any evidence of it.

"Very busy, so you should be going." Anxiety is underpinning his cool demeanor, making me all the more suspicious.

"What have you been up to?" I stalk across the room towards him, my pulse is thundering. I've assumed the worst. And with the way he's blowing me off, I am aching against the frigid wall of denial.

He gestures to the bowl of stew and a roll at the table. "Just eating some supper."

I chuff a laugh, taking off my waist coat and draping it on the back of the chair before I take a seat. Allowing myself to get fully comfortable, crossing my legs and leaning back, I gesture to the other chair. "Then sit."

He Couldn't Be That Bad? // Sebastian Sallow and You (spicy)Where stories live. Discover now