11. Tournament Under The Stars, Pt. 1

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The stones of the abandoned keep are awash in the glow of firelight. Torches have been placed around the perimeter of the courtyard and all along the grassy slope. Most of the vines that creep up the stone walls and cling to the door frames are turning from green to orange and red.

Lucan and I had spent days leading up to the tournament to make sure the spiders were cleared out, and that the arena had just the "right amount" of obstacles and "usable debris", at least according to him.

There's some stones that have come loose from the castle walls and sprinkled around the arena, some are suspended in the air, the vines had caught them like a net before it could hit the ground. Rocks the size of my torso or worse, the size of Leander's ego, were halfway buried around the courtyard. Barely enough for cover, but certainly big enough to make even the most sure footed duelist stumble about.

Four stone pillars of varying decay stood equidistant in the arena. The biggest one was barely tall enough to hide behind while fully standing, the other three would really serve as a nuisance than anything else, which is why Lucan wanted to keep them.

Lucan also made sure that no students ventured into the ruins. After my display of ancient magic that sent a lightning bolt down through the remainder of the ceiling, I respected his decision not to have any students in the crossfire or potentially find themselves under a building collapse.

There were benches and additional seating for players while they waited, created from leftover crates and boxes of produce to the Hogwarts kitchen.

A full pale moon hung in the sky, and not a single cloud could be seen for miles, as if the stars themselves wanted to watch the fun.

"I made this for you." Poppy says, holding out a hand painted pin. It reads 'Keep Unicorns Horny, Anti-Poacher Association'.

Chuckling at the words I admire her painting skills, there is so much detail even for such a little pin.

"I'm starting a club, I'd love it if you were my first official member." Poppy beams up at me.

"Thanks." I take the pin and put it on my lapel proudly. "The slogan isn't one I'd expect from you. But I love the message all the same." By the way Poppy painted it, it looks like the unicorn is smirking up at me. I know the other students will love it, and if the teachers find it distracting, then the more popular the buttons will be.

Poppy clasped her hands behind her back, rocking forward and back with a giddy smile. "Lucan helped me come up with it. He's quite funny." She curled her lips in, trying to hide a smile.

Despite the dimly lit space, I can see she's blushing. "He is. And very cute." I add.

Adorable. In the way that a puppy is adorable– that's how I'd actually describe Lucan. And even though puberty has served him well, he'll always be the plucky little friend to me.

"Isn't he!" Poppy leaned in, beaming at me. "You know, he invited me tonight." She raised her eyebrows. "I want to cheer him on, but I don't want to seem too desperate."

"I think anyone would be lucky to have you cheer them on. I'm always thankful when you're in my corner." I add with a smile.

Behind Poppy I see Lucan rehearsing his speech under his breath, he looks to me and I give him a thumbs up.

Poppy turns and sees who I'm looking at. She smiles at him too and copies my thumbs up.

Lucan stands a little taller, returning her smile with an uneasy one of his own. He holds up his fingers and mouths '3 minutes'.

"So how's Sebastian?" Poppy asks in a sing-song way.

"Good." I say simply. It's not a total lie. But since I showed him the room of requirement he's been off. His grades have gotten better, but marginally. And the room won't open the chest it summoned for his things. I know what's in there, I'm a little more concerned for the things I don't know about. Especially if he's going back into his old ways.

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