34. Within The Walls

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Sebastian and I clamber through the servants corridor, the sounds of laughter and reverie muffled through the plaster walls. Despite the noise going on beyond us, we make a concerted effort to keep our noise to a minimum. Watching each placement of our steps to avoid lose boards, Sebastian even walks in front of me. Insisting that he go first in order to clear away any cobwebs that may cross my path. I think after two years of spider filled nightmares, he's keenly aware of keeping even the tiniest spindle of a web out of my way.

We pass the parlor, peer down the long wide hallway, and come along the back of the various bedrooms. There is hushed conversation and I would keep walking, but Sebastian has decided for us that we're going to stop. Inside the room is Ominis and Valeria. Sebastian and I cram our heads against hole in the wall so both of us have one eye looking.

Valeria pushes his wand down from its raised position. "Put that away."

Ominis hesitantly slips it inside a pocket. "I don't believe there would be more food in this part of the house."

"Guilty. There isn't." Valeria grabs his hand and leads him over to a four poster bed along the back wall. "Can I have you now?" Valeria asks sweetly. Reaching tenderly for his waistband.

"Get on your knees and ask nicely." Ominis purrs.

She drops to her knees, running her palms up his thighs.

Weaving his hand through her hair he smirks. "I knew you couldn't be trusted."

I get up from my crouched position and say as quietly as I can. "Why is he still with her? You need to talk with him, break them up."

Sebastian chuffs. "It's not your call."

"She's evil."

He levels me with a stare that is borderline condescending. "Lots of girls are evil. Sacharissa, Imelda, Val. But Ominis is a big boy. He can make his own decisions." Sebastian pulls me away. "Reguardless. We can't stay."

Through the wall I hear Ominis make a throaty sound that dissolves into a whimper.

Stars above, I can not be hearing this. Clamping my hands over my ears as Sebastian and I exchange horrified looks, turning tail quickly to get out of there. We pick up the pace, just about rounding the corner out of ear shot, but not fast enough.

Ominis lets lose a moan, then it's my name that he says.

I'm hoping Sebastian hasn't heard. I hoped I hadn't heard. But Sebastian flares into rage.

"What?!?!" Both He and Valeria shout at the same time.

Whipping towards the room, Sebastian blasts bombarda at the wall. Plaster and wood splinter out from impact. Scattering across the floor in a cloud of dust and debris. "Who's fucking name did you just say?" He roars.

Valeria screams and clambors away on her hands and knees from the blast. Swearing up and down in French.

Ominis exclaims, quickly tucking himself back into his trousers. "The fuck, Sallow!"

I lift my arm, shielding my face and eyes from dust as I follow Sebastian through the newly formed doorway. The tapestry on the wall hangs loosely, torn in large jagged slashes. I push the battered cloth to the side and feel my face flush as we step into what used to be a very intimate moment that should have been none of our business.

Debris has scattered across the polished wood floor and the velvet furniture, and clouds of plaster dust continue to swirl in the air.

"Oi!" Sebastian rolls his shoulders back, striding towards Ominis in three steps, planting a palm into his chest and shoving back. "What in the devil are you playing at?"

He Couldn't Be That Bad? // Sebastian Sallow and You (spicy)Where stories live. Discover now