35. The Mausoleum

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Not bothering to stay quiet, we don't have time on our side. I really hope it's the luck portion of Sacharissa' concoction that kicks in now, because so far it's felt terribly unlucky.

The soles of our shoes slap on the hardwood floors as we burst through the party, not bothering to be discreet as we shove our way past people. Despite our ruckus, we garner little attention. Everyone seems preoccupied on their own couplings, games, or feasting. With no one to stop us, soon we're out the door, across the porch, and down towards the graveyard.

Tall grasses swish swash under us as we hurtle ourselves across the expansive property. It's loud. But not louder than my heart as it drums against my ribs and thunders in my ears. A sweat breaking out across my forehead and across my chest feels especially cold with the night breeze.

A looming stone structure sits beneath a canopy of trees. The mausoleum is carved in intricate detail, but the patterns are weathered beneath centuries of seasons and polishing. Ghosts that couldn't be bothered give us annoyed looks before they continue on their starlight stroll through the grounds.

Since I have the best proficiency picking locks, I'm fiddling with the metal lock the size of my head. The palms of my hands are slicked with sweat as I grip my wand. Desperately trying to turn the inner mechanism, the clicks of the metal mechanics are faint, almost imperceptible as I work, but not quite. It finally gives way and I start to feel that perhaps if there is little luck to be had– I should be thankful when it finds me.

With a grinding squeak I hear in my molars, we heave the door to the mausoleum open.

We're hit with a gust of cool musty air as the doors swing wide. I cast lumos, but the light seems to get swallowed up. We won't be able to see an inch in front of our noses. It's pitch black inside. Enchanted into complete darkness.

Ominis steps forward, his tone impatient. "What are you waiting for?" He holds up his wand and steps inside.

Before he slips behind the veil of darkness completely, I reach my hand out, clamping his shoulder lightly and let him guide us through the black.

I feel Sebastian do the same to me and the three of us shuffle in a single file, into the inky darkness.

It swallows up everything, it makes no difference if my eyes are open or closed. I can't even see the blinking red light that emanates from Ominis' wand.

Instantly I'm overcome with sympathy for my friend. This kind of, I'm not sure, separation from the world. It feels overwhelming and scary in a way that I can't seem to find words for. To live my whole life in this disconnect, no wonder Ominis feels so isolated.

"How are things looking up there?" Sebastian calls out.

His voice echoes around us meaning we've stepped into a vast cavern. The surrounding darkness feels like it will swallow us whole at any moment. Every step I take is hesitant, like I'm not sure if I'm about to step off the edge of a cliff. The only solace I take is that Ominis is before me, and he hasn't even slowed down.

"Why do you ask? And why are you holding me?" Ominis stops, pivoting slightly.

"It's completely dark in here!" Sebastian says exasperated. "We can't see a bloody thing."

"Indeed." Ominis chuckles. "What a nightmare."

Ignoring them I ask. "Are there any torches in here?"

Ominis turns from side to side. "Not that I can tell."

"Damn. We won't find anything before Damon catches us." I hang my head, resting it in the crook of my arm.

He Couldn't Be That Bad? // Sebastian Sallow and You (spicy)Where stories live. Discover now