46. Emmeline

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"Damon's head injuries are too much for him to go get Emmeline by himself." I say to Sebastian as we stand in the darkened corner just outside Hogsmeade.

Sebastian chuckles. "You really did a number on him, eh?"

"ME?" I put my hand to my chest in shock. "You're the one who humiliated him."

"I think we broke his brain." Sebastian laughs, "He's been off ever since."

I grimace. "I know. Did you see him in potions the other day? I thought he was going to blow a hole straight through Sharpe."

"Then why are we going at all? Cog still hasn't come back with Anne." Sebastian grumbled.

"Because we promised we would. And besides, if he goes alone, he will be compromised." I swallow hard after I say those words. Damon's new anger issues aside, he's still frequenting the nurses office for his injuries.

"He would have mucked things up before we bested him in the duel." Sebastian blows hot air into his clasped hands. "Either way, I don't care. He's not going to look out for you. He's singularly focused, if he even thinks you'll get in his way–"

"Why would I get in his way?" I challenge. "I'm the one helping him."

"That's what I'm saying. You shouldn't have to in the first place. You shouldn't be alone with him." Sebastian mets my gaze with hard focus.

"Then why don't you just tag along." Damon strolls up.

I jump at his sudden appearance, and there's no telling how long he'd been listening.

Damon's eyes narrow as he closes the distance towards us. "That way I won't compromise anything." He adds coldly. There's a bandage wrapped around his head but it's covered by a cap he's tucked it and the rest of his blond hair into. He turns his collar up at the cold and his expression hardens.

I swallow hard. "I didn't mean it like that. I just–"

"Yes you did." Damon looks at me sternly. "So let's not waste any more time with words."

Sebastian and I exchange worried glances. Damon's head injury has made his mood and his temper worse. I'd hoped his outburst in potions class was simply a fluke, but he seems utterly fixated on his rage.

Damon pulled an envelope from his lapel, holding it open for us to see a silver bracelet inside. "Beauxbatons is like Hogwarts, no one can aparate in or out. I paid a small fortune for this portkey. It will get us directly inside the school, but not back."

"So, what are we supposed to do?" I look at him, my nervous energy seeping its way into my stomach.

"Obviously, I can apparate us back." Damon bites back. "Unless you two can do it yourselves."

"Fuck that." Sebastian busts out. "Like I'm taking a chance of you splinching us to bits then leaving us to bleed out on the castle steps."

Damon scoffs, checking his watch. "So then why don't you do it if you're the master wizard you keep proclaiming you are."

I push Damon by the shoulder. "Enough. We will bring some Floo Powder, surely there will be a fireplace. Also, we have our brooms. Worst case scenario we fly out of there. Is that satisfactory?" I look between the two boys, assuring I have confirmation from each of them I then say. "Sebastian, teach Damon the invisibility spell."

"Giving away all my good tricks." Sebastian says, rolling his eyes, but he does take a moment to teach Damon the spell. We wait in blistering silence until midnight, long enough for the underage trace to expire for Damon. At the first chime of Midnight Damon holds out the portkey.

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