25. Love Hurts (Hurt/Comfort)

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"I think I might pass out." Sebastian says so candidly it didn't even register in my brain.

He slumps into me, his knees wobbling. Feet becoming clumsy and heavy underneath himself.

The sight of him falling off the graphorn, being whipped to the side. Replayed in my mind, souring in my heart like spoiled milk.

I string my arm around his waist, trying to put his shoulder over mine to help with the weight.

"Please don't." I grunt as I carry him over to my potions station. "I'll have to leave you on the floor."

There is a tufted leather chair at the end of the long line of tables and hopping pots. We make it three steps before he slumps over, and we pitch into the book shelf with a hard thud.

A few scrolls and books clatter down and splay around us.

I can't carry him to the chair, so I concede to gently depositing him on the floor. Leaned up against the shelves.

His head tips back against the worn leather spines, his mouth parted slightly, his eyes fluttered closed.

"No, no." I race to the potions table, scooping up a ladle of the green healing potion. "Stay with me. Talk to me, Sebastian."

"But I'm sleepy." He groans, licking his bottom lip slowly.

"Too bad." I sit on the floor beside him and tip the ladle to his mouth, not sure how much he's actually drinking, it spills out the corners of his mouth.

I take my lower lip in my teeth anxiously. I need to keep him talking, keep him awake. "So? Umm... What are you going to do after school?"

It seems like it takes all his effort and concentration to swallow. It's progress.

"Did you know my parents were professors at Hogwarts?" He says, his eyes are still closed. Green liquid dribbles down the corner of his mouth.

Pulling a kerchief from my pocket, I tenderly blotted the drop away. "I'd forgotten that." I admit, and put the ladle to his lips again.

He took a longer pull of the liquid this time and his swallow came easier. "I always liked school." His eyes drift closed and I'm not sure if he's fading again.

I nudge his chest a few times to wake him back up. "You sure? Then why do you break the rules?" I chide lightly, dabbing the other corner of his mouth. I don't care if I have to do it after every sip. It's the only thing I can think to do while he's in this state.

"I dislike rules. But I like learning. I love to read. And I love this school. Reminds me of my parents, of Ann. I feel at home here." He takes a long deep sigh. Catching his breath a beat after taking another swig of the potion. "I could spend the rest of my life in it."

"That's beautiful." I affirm with as much as a smile I can muster despite my heart still panicking.

"Which might be just tonight." He says with a chuckle, but his laugh is cut short by a wince as he brings the tips of his fingers to his head.

"Shut up and drink the stupid potion." I scold, helping him drink again. The ladle is empty and I quickly retrieve another one. "What would you do?" I ask, scooping another portion. "You're marginally better with a broom than Moon."

He doesn't think that's as funny as I do. But it kept him from falling asleep.

Sebastian doesn't turn his head, but his gaze follows me to my potions table and back. "Hecat is pretty old, perhaps when she retires, I could teach defense? I don't know."

"Scribner is old, take her job." I tease, cupping my hand over his as he guides the potion to his own mouth.

Sebastian is watching me through slitted eyes. "And be the librarian? Hard pass."

He Couldn't Be That Bad? // Sebastian Sallow and You (spicy)Where stories live. Discover now