42: Tournament Finals

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Evening has fallen into the valley, plummeting the outside world into cold darkness. And when it gets dark at six, the hours waiting for the tournament feel excruciatingly slow.

Sebastian and I arrive at the crumbling keep two hours early. I want to rid the entire place of spider egg clusters, and I scour the playing field for snakes. I'd be humiliated if a damned grass snake took me out of my match like it did with Nerrida. The keep is covered in snow, but with a spin of my wand, I cast ventus, and blow away any of the snow that's settled into the grass seating area. Then I point out over the field and enchant a large invisible umbrella over the seating in order to shield everyone from any fresh snow or rain that might come our way during the finals.

Sebastian brought a thick wool blanket, duplicated it to the hundred mark, then enchanted the pile of blankets to stay permanently warm and cozy. I lift one to my nose and it smells like toasted marshmallows. Then he sets out dozens of glass jars he's enchanted with little fires in order to emanate heat and light the seating area. I help him distribute the items across the grassy hill for students to use immediately when they get here.

As soon as Sebastian and I are done setting up, Lucan appears with Poppy. His jaw drops when he sees all the preparations we've already done. "Well done!" Lucan clasps his hands with a smile but it quickly fades as he walks closer. "I should tell you two–"

Damon pops up with Sacharissa. "Why did we need to come so early?" She groans, and finishes putting her pink hair into a braid behind her back.

Lucan clears his throat. "Before things got started, I wanted to have a frank discussion with both teams. I wasn't able to find you two." Lucan points at Sebastian and I, "because you were obviously here. Otherwise I would have brought it up at dinner service.." He clears his throat again, clearly uncomfortable with the situation. "Many of the... former competitors and a few fans as well, want you two to forfeit on technicality. This is my fault, and I shouldn't have used our last match to drum up interest for the anti-poachers club. So, according to the bylaws of Crossed Wands, I will have to ask you two to forfeit unless Damon and Sacharissa agree to fight you."

Sacharissa looks positively delighted. "Ha! I won't even have to get my hands dirty." She looks at Damon expectantly.

"You might." Damon frowns. "I'm not going to let you bow out so easily, Sallow. I'll never hear the end of it, I want you to know that I'm a better duelist than you."

Sacharissa recovers quickly, still eager to side with Damon. "Yes..." She stammers. "I'm ready– Ready to prove that cheaters can't win."

Damon pats the top of her head condescendingly. "Tuggy, be civil. They didn't cheat, they were just dumb."

Poppy and I exchange tired glances. Which I shift to Sacharissa. "You want me to charge double for those herbs? I didn't cheat."

Her face scrunches with disdain. "No need. I don't see any issues if we all can remain civil."

"Wonderful!" Lucan clasps his hands before him, clearly delighted that his main attraction will still be happening tonight. "Poppy and I will start setting up snacks. The bet boxes will be here any moment. Make yourselves comfortable, prepare however you need to." He then heads to the little food cart with Poppy.

Students arrive in droves, excitement and chatter filling the air. Many comment on the warm blankets and the snacks. I give Sebastian a proud smile as I hear the commentary of his additions. But not once does he take credit.

The grassy knoll is jam packed, it feels like the majority of the student body is actually crammed in to see the competition. A movement in the audience and I see Professor Weasley talking to someone, who must already be invisible, as all I see is the glimmer around them, before Weasley circles the wand over her head and disappears herself. Interesting. Good to know when I'm headmaster I can still attend student events like this, even if it's in secret.

He Couldn't Be That Bad? // Sebastian Sallow and You (spicy)Where stories live. Discover now