Chapter 2

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I get woken up by my phone ringing. Luckily I remembered to set my alarm before I went to sleep. It's my first day of school, I don't want to be late. I get up quickly and put on a pair of jeans that I turn a little at the bottom, and a white t-shirt. For the rest, it will be the same as yesterday, the jean jacket and the converses. I put my phone on vibrate mode and slip it into my pocket. When I come out of the room, I see my sister doing her makeup in the common bathroom, right in front of me. I quickly pass in this room just to check that I don't have big dark circles. I didn't sleep much last night. I was way too stressed. The reflection in the mirror always gives me the same impression. My dark blond hair is a mess and my blue eyes still look sleepy. I really don't look good... but I don't care.

-Hello? Throws my sister.

-Yeah, morning...

I put my bag on my shoulder and walk down the stairs. From what my mom told me, the high school is a few blocks away. I should find it easily enough. On my way, I watch the cold wind play with the orange leaves of the trees. I think autumn has always been my favorite season. It's a season I find soothing.

With my headphones in my ears, I walk quietly down the path until I come to a tall metal gate. I shove my headphones in my pocket and walk towards the incessant hubbub that rises from the main courtyard. Groups of girls and boys are already forming, each trying to talk louder than the one next to them. I take a deep breath before rushing into the huge courtyard. My feet immediately sink into the white gravel. I walk with a determined step to the big wooden door behind the huge fountain in the center of the yard. I look around and suddenly bump into someone.

-Oh sorry! I say directly.

The boy I knocked down looks at me with a black eye and continues on his way without a glance in my direction. I didn't really have time to see him. Arriving at the imposing front door of the high school, I make my way through the students in the hall to the reception area. A secretary sits behind an imposing oak desk, typing at an impressive pace on her computer. I cough a little to let her know I'm there and she straightens her head, giving me a cold stare.

-What can I do for you? She says in a weary voice.

-Hello, I... I am new here, and I...

-Name and first name?

-Louis Hunter.

She plunges her nose into files and scrolls the thin, mottled pages between her fingers. Every time she has to turn a page, she first puts her finger in her mouth to wet it. This gesture disgusts me... After a few minutes, she plants her snake eyes in mine and hands me some sheets of paper that she takes out of a drawer.

-Since the school is so big, you'll need a map at first so you don't get lost. Here is your schedule, and the names of the rooms are listed above each door.

-Thank you.

I step back a little and take refuge outside, under a tree, out of sight. I take a quick look at the map and am immediately surprised. The school is composed of ten courtyards, all very large. Each one has a fountain in the center and trees. From what I see on the map, the school looks more like a boarding school than anything else. I take a deep breath and look at my schedule. I start every day at 8am, usually have an hour for lunch, and finish every day at 6pm. I didn't miss those hours... I like working, but I still don't understand why high school requires so many hours of classes in a day. Half of the day is usually useless. I stand up and decide to head to the B courtyard, the one where I'm supposed to have first period class today.

I walk along the corridors and hallways, then reach the bottom of a small staircase. After about ten minutes, I glance at the map. I think I'm definitely lost... This plan doesn't indicate any floor, any staircase, or any door. I sigh... I wonder what it is really for. I hear a hubbub coming closer and closer to me. A group of boys is walking in a determined way and taking a rather narrow staircase. I decide to follow them, they must know the school better than me. Arriving at the top, I observe the numerous rooms and amphitheaters. Above each door is indicated the number and the name of the room. I have class in B-028. The door in front of me is dark and I can already hear the sound of chairs on the other side. I decide to knock gently against the wood when I get bumped.


-Hi! I say instantly.

The boy who shoved me looks at me for a moment, his forest green eyes piercing me for a few moments. His brown hair falls in front of his eyes. He smiles and dimples appear on each side of his face.

-Sorry, I am rather clumsy. He says.

His voice is hoarse but soft at the same time. An angelic voice, in the image of his face. He clears his throat and frowns.

-Uh... Are you new?

I stare at him for a few seconds before I realize he's talking to me. Who would I want him to talk to anyway? It's just the two of us in this hallway.

-Uh... yes.

-Hope you're okay... well, I mean, that I didn't hurt you too much when I shoved you.

-Oh no, no, I'm... I'm okay.

He smiles at me and takes one last look in my direction before opening the classroom door. I don't immediately follow him. I can't explain why. But I stand outside for another minute, trying to recover from my emotions. My heart is beating fast. Much too fast... It's probably because it's my first day back and I'm completely lost. Yes, that must be it... I never liked change.

After a deep breath, I enter the classroom and am surprised by the size of the room. Tables of two are set up to form four large rows facing a huge green chalkboard. A teacher sits at the main desk, his glasses on his nose and a pen in his hand. I clear my throat and walk over to him.

-Um...excuse me. I whisper.

The man in front of me straightens his face and immediately smiles. He gets up and stands on the small platform in front of the board.

-Ah, you must be the new one! Come along.

I nod weakly and climb onto the platform next to him, facing the class. All the students suddenly fall silent and look at me. Some whisper to each other, others just smile at me.

-I let you introduce yourself. He says.

I clear my throat and twist my fingers a little. I am not comfortable speaking, even less in front of strangers, and even less when it comes to talking about myself.

-Well then, uh... My name is Louis Hunter, I'm sixteen and I'm from Doncaster.

-We're all very pleased to meet you, Louis. Please, go and sit in the back, next to William.

He raises his hand so I can see who it is. I think a faint smile instantly appears on my face. It's the boy who bumped into me right in front of the room... At least I know my classmate a little better than the other students. So I sat down in my seat and took out some things. My classmate remains silent and his face is neutral, frozen. The minutes pass and I listen to the professor attentively when a nudge pulls me out of my thoughts. I take a quick look to my left and my neighbor smiles weakly at me.

-Hey, I'm really sorry about what happened earlier. He whispers.

-Don't worry about it.

I turn my face away and start doing the few exercises our teacher gave us. From time to time, I look at my watch... but the time passes far too slowly. At one point, when the first hour bell rings, I hear my neighbor laugh. I frown and see him jerk his head toward the front row. A rather tall, sturdy boy looks up at him with a goofy smile on his face.

-Hey, Will' ! Will you meet us at the coffee shop after school?

-James, I have class at 1:00 pm ! But... yeah, it should be okay.

James glares at me and turns away. I continue my exercises without any more enthusiasm when I see a piece of paper land on my sheet. William is working next to me, focused on the equation our teacher gave us a few minutes ago. I slowly unfold the paper, being careful not to be spotted by the teacher, and see a line written with a pencil in fine and neat handwriting.

-So ? My classmate asks with a faint smile.

I look at the paper and read the inscription, "Do you want to come with us?" I hesitated for a few minutes... I've never really had friends, or at least the ones I thought were friends weren't really. They all betrayed me. I just got to this school and I'm already getting invitations. I don't know anyone, but maybe coming with them will allow me to meet new people, and to be integrated more easily. So with a brief nod, I confirm to my neighbor that I will come.

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