Chapter 10

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I walk peacefully along the path filled with autumn leaves. I take a deep breath when I arrive in front of the house. When I open the door, my sister immediately runs to me and hugs me. But I don't move, too preoccupied with James, glowering from across the room.

-Where have you been? I've been worried about you! I've been calling you, Louis!

-I... I haven't been looking at my phone. Sorry, El.

-I was so scared!

She runs a hand through my hair before pulling me into her arms. She cradles her face against my neck and I feel a few tears fall against my skin. She's crying. So, even though I'm not tactile, I don't like seeing my sister in this state... because of me. So I hold her a little tighter against me.

-It's all right, El. I whisper in her ear

She straightens up with a faint smile, wiping the tears from her cheeks.

-My little boo bear... She whispers

I roll my eyes but can't help smiling a little. I close the front door behind me. Anna comes up to me and smiles weakly, a sorry look on her face. She looks at me for a long time before hugging me back. I barely return her embrace. James glares at me and doesn't move. He remains seated on the sofa, his phone in his hands, his eyebrows furrowed.

-Shall we plan tonight's party? Says Anna.

My sister nods and they both head for the kitchen. I take a deep breath before approaching James.

-So, you don't want a hug? I ask with a smirk

He sighs and rolls his eyes, looking desperate. I can't help laughing as I climb the stairs to my room. I immediately lie down on the mattress on the floor and take a deep breath, my hands on my stomach. I'm so exhausted that I fall asleep almost directly to the soothing sound of the birds outside.

Someone nudges my shoulder a little. I open my eyes to Anna's face. She smiles weakly at me.

-It's 6:45pm and we're having a party at 7pm...

I sit up on my elbows and she sits cross-legged on the floor next to the mattress.

-Oh... and who's going to be there?

-Childhood friends, our best friends, our cousins, and... my ex.

-Right. Okay. And how many people is that, roughly?

-I'd say... around 50.

I raise my eyebrows in surprise. I wasn't expecting so many people. But, maybe it's for the best, maybe I can try to talk to William without being seen.

-Oh and... your ex? Are you still in a good relationship with him? I ask

-Oh yes, yes. We got even closer after that.

I frown, not really understanding her reaction. She looks sad, but at the same time, she doesn't seem to regret anything.

-Let's just say... he and I couldn't have happened anyway. At least, not that way. We're very good friends today, even if he's drifted apart a bit recently.

I nod weakly in agreement. I listen to everything she says, but don't really understand why she's bringing it all up. To me.

-But what about you? She asks. Are you seeing anyone?

-Oh, uh, no. I don't. I've always been alone.

She smiles at my answer and I feel my cheeks flush a little. If only she knew why... But I can't tell her. Not to her, James's sister. Not to her, since I've never told anyone. Not even my sister.  So I smile back at her.

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