Chapter 6

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The morning passed quite quickly. It has been almost three weeks since I arrived at this school. I still don't talk to James. He ignores me and I ignore him. It's better this way. My life with my new family is stressful enough for me, but my sister and Anna have grown a little closer. They get along well. At home, I don't talk much. Not to my mom, not to Desmond, Anna or James. I only talk to Eline. It has been two weeks now that William spent his time with James and ignored me for the rest of the class. The noon bell rang and I was almost the last to get up. The teacher calls out to me just before I leave.

-Mr. Hunter?

I pick up my bag from the foot of my table and head for his desk.

-I am delighted that you have joined our school, and our class. As your homeroom teacher, I wanted to thank you for your attitude in class.

-Thank you, sir.

He flashes a smile in my direction and I walk out of the classroom without further ado. This situation made me uncomfortable. I walk quietly through the hallways filled with students talking to each other, when at the corner of a classroom, I am pulled by the sleeve. I am now in a much smaller and darker hallway. I look at the arm holding me by my coat sleeve and immediately recognize William's hands. I raise my gaze to his face. A ray of sunlight comes to illuminate his magnificent green eyes. I swallow with difficulty and look away towards the corridor where I was only a few seconds ago.

-What's wrong with you? Why did you take me like that?

-Hey, Louis, why are you being so aggressive?

I sigh and he pushes me around a little so that I'm turned towards him.

-Can I know what's going on? You ignore me all week and I barely get out of class when you pull me by the sleeve in an abandoned hallway!

-First of all, I have a life and I've only known you for two weeks so I'm not going to stop myself from doing what I want. Secondly, I stayed with James because if I didn't, he was going to come after you. And thirdly, I waited for you outside the room because... because...

-Because what?

-You wanted to visit the library, right? Well, we can go there now if you want to.

I feel a faint smile forming on my face. But I think it's more of a smirk than anything else.

-If I want to? And couldn't you just... I don't know, talk to me normally? I mean, not just pull me over here and tell me?

He smiles as he looks away and runs a hand through his fine, slightly curly hair. He runs his tongue over his lips, makes a little pout and turns back to me.

-Okay... I apologize for... I don't know, maybe scaring you. I didn't really mean to propose it like that. I'm sorry.

He looks at the floor with a desperate look, sighs, then starts walking towards the big hallway. Before he reaches the light, I hold him back by the arm. He turns to me with a big smile and laughs.

-What? You can't let me go?

-I want to see this library...

He raises an eyebrow and looks at me for a few seconds.


I sigh before looking up at the sky.


-Please who?

I swallow hard. I never said his first name, and I don't know why, but something gets stuck in my throat. But he looks at me with a raised eyebrow so I take it in. I really want to go to that library.

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