Chapter 19

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I've always thought that museums are magical places that transport us back in time. William and I entered the grand entrance, surrounded by the whispers of countless stories from the past. As I wandered through the various exhibits, each artifact revealed a story, from ancient civilisations to glorious moments in human history. I was particularly taken by the art gallery, where colors danced and emotions came to life on the canvases. With William by my side, I felt reborn. It was as if he had suddenly turned into an artist, and I into a muse. With each step, I felt a deeper connection with the past and with William. A museum holds so many secrets within its walls...

When I reached the room of statues, my heart stopped for a moment. I've always had an indescribable admiration for statues. The way the sculptor manages to create so much beauty and softness from a single block. I've always found statues magnificent. When you walk among the statues, it's as if you're the only dead person among the living.

I watch William smile from time to time in front of a statue, turning around it as if to discover the secret of such beauty and finesse. If he knew that when I look at him, it's as if I'm admiring the statues that surround us. Sometimes, if you get close enough to them, you almost think they're going to start moving at any moment.

The way their lips are parted as if they're about to let out a breath, or their hair that sometimes looks so silky. But what I love most is admiring their eyes. The eyes of statues have always fascinated me. The way the sculptor has managed to bring them to life. When you look into the eyes of statues, you can lose yourself for hours, as if you were swimming in an endless ocean. The magic that emanates from their gaze has always captivated me. Maybe that's why the first thing I noticed about William was his eyes...  Over time, I came to realize that the life I found in the stone eyes of the statues had finally been found in real life, in William's green eyes. I rediscovered the indescribable beauty I admired in the statues. His eyes are like a whirlwind of hope that I cling to in order to live.

I approach William slowly, making the floor creak with every step I take. I'm behind him and yet I can already see a beautiful smile on his angelic face. He turns towards me and I'm immediately captivated by the dimple in his cheek. He moves closer to me and presses his soft lips to my ear.

-What would you think of a trip to Paris? Just the two of us?

I step back in surprise and look at him, my eyes shining. A trip to Paris? The city of love... just the two of us? I gasp and smile faintly before brushing my hand against his fingers.

-With pleasure, mister the romantic.

He rolls his eyes before ruffling my hair.

-You know, the statues in the Louvre are absolutely magical. You'd love it.

He gives me a nonchalant wink before moving on to another statue. I breathe before joining him. He's admiring a statue of Achilles, that perfect Greek demigod. When I look at the fine features of his face, the hollow of his cheeks, the curves of his hips and the well-sculpted muscles of his arms, I can't help but look back at William, admiring the striking resemblance between them. In the immense hall, their beauty shone like a flame, vital and luminous, drawing my gaze despite myself. Their mouths are a fine bow with a perfect curve, their nose an aristocratic arrow.

William looks at me and I feel my heart racing. Then he whispers.

-I would know you in total darkness if you were mute and I were deaf. I would know you in another life, in other bodies, in other times. And I would love you through it all, until the last star in the sky fades into oblivion. I could recognise you by touch alone, by smell, I could recognise you blind, by the way your breaths come and your feet strike the earth. I would know you in death, at the end of the world... My poly philtatos...

My heart beats faster and faster. I recognise these words... the ones Achilles is said to have said to Patroclus... In the Greek version of the Iliad, Achilles calls Patroclus "poly philtatos". This term translates roughly as "the most loved by far".

The fact that William calls me that is just incredible. I feel like I'm in a dream. I've always been passionate about Greek mythology, I've read the Iliad over and over again, and each time I've been fascinated by the special relationship between Achilles and Patroclus. After all, society was more advanced in ancient times than it is today...

-I will never leave you. It will be this. Always. For as long as you will let me. I murmur

-So... forever?

I look at him, my heart racing. I can't believe he's so perfect.

-Do you promise? I whisper

-I can do even better than just promising. He whispers in my ear

He takes my frozen hand in his and links his little finger with mine. He tightens his finger around mine and closes his eyes.

-I can make a pinky promise. The strongest promise possible.

He stays like that, his eyes closed, his head tilted down a little, our linked fingers creating a unique bond between us. I let my eyes observe every detail of William's perfect face, the way his eyelashes twitch a little when his eyes are closed, the way his hair falls back in front of his eyes, so silky. The faint pink of his lips, the beginnings of a beard trying to make its way to his jaw, his cheekbones so prominent and beautiful. In the midst of all these statues, he seems to be in his element. A work of art...

-Excuse me! Says a guard. The museum will be closing soon...

-Ok, thanks! Replies William. He turns to me. We'll have to hurry then... 


-I've got something to show you...

He looks around us. There's no one there but the museum guard. He takes my hand in his and starts running among the statues, suddenly giving movement to this motionless room. He guides me through the next rooms until we reach the foot of a majestic staircase. He runs up the steps, dragging me behind him. We go up four, maybe even five floors until we reach a sort of attic.

The wood of the ceiling looks ancient, and the low beams guide us into the attic, just by the light of the few rays of sunlight that can find their way through the small round windows. William stops running and links his fingers with mine as he moves slowly forward, creaking the wooden floor with each step. At the end of this narrow room are twenty tripods with half-finished canvases laid all over them, and a bench placed just opposite a gigantic window.

-Close your eyes. He whispers

I do it. I give in as William guides me to the bench so I can sit down. I feel him sit down beside me. We wait like this for a few minutes.

-Now...  open them. He says

When I open my eyes, I can't believe what I'm seeing. The beauty of the sky in front of me. The sun is coming to the end of its journey, having crossed the sky all day. I've always loved sunsets, the twilight orange reflected in the autumn leaves in such a majestic and incredible way. I can see the few remaining clouds acting as a reflection for the sun. As if they were water in which the biggest star is reflected. It's like seeing a life-size painting. A moving painting that moves me... At that moment, I wonder if it's really possible. William is so perfect, he knows everything that would please me, he knows me better than anyone else and I've never had to say anything to him. It's like it's always been so obvious. He is half of my soul, as the poets say.

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