Chapter 17

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I open my eyes slowly, blinded by the sun's golden rays. My eyes immediately fall on William's face, still asleep and already beautiful. His hair is a mess and a few strands fall over his eyes. The sun reflects perfectly in his brown locks. The second thing I notice is our hands linked between the two beds. We fell asleep hand in hand, and this morning, my hand is still in his. I smile before caressing his hand with my thumb, gently, then he opens his eyelids. I straighten up a little and push aside the strands of hair in front of his eyes, tucking them behind his ear. He sighs and smiles at me before closing his eyes again.

-Hi. He murmurs

-Oops... I answer in the same tone.

A wry smile spreads across his face. I sit on the edge of the bed and take off my t-shirt. I pick up my clothes from the day before and put them on the bed when I feel a hand on my back. William is standing behind me, caressing my skin from the top of my neck to my loins, tracing my spine with his slender fingers. I close my eyes under my breath and turn to face William. He stops my hands as I start to button it. His long fingers quickly close the buttons on my shirt as my heart speeds up.

-I'm... I'm going home. I say, my voice hoarse.

William lifts his eyes to mine and a gleam of despair passes through his green prunes. I sigh and place my hand on his neck, gripping his hair. I let my forehead rest against his and close my eyes.

-Go on, then. He says. I'll see you later anyway.

He pulls away from me and looks away. I take his hand before he moves too far away and pull him closer to me before hugging him tightly. I feel his arms tighten behind my back and he rests his face in the hollow of my neck. I stroke his back for a few moments and we stay like that, in each other's arms, for a few more.

-Take care... He whispers to me. Try to stay as far away from James as possible.

I nod and straighten against him, my chest against his.

-Promise? He asks


He pulls away from me, his hand still in mine, but avoids my gaze. I raise his face to mine with my index finger and immediately meet his gaze. His eyes are wet, he's about to cry. My mouth opens, but I don't have time to say anything as his lips come crashing tenderly down on mine. I gasp and he sighs, making my heart beat even faster. Then his lips move quickly away from mine and when I open my eyes, William is already at his window.

-Go ahead. He says. See you later.

-See you later Will...

With one last glance in his direction, I leave the room and close the door behind me. I cross the town quickly before arriving at the house. There, I take a deep breath before entering. I close the door behind me and see Anna smiling at me, sitting on the sofa. My sister is next to her and doesn't seem to notice me. As for James, he's probably in his room. His room... which is also supposed to be mine... I frown. What if I were to apply to be accepted at the high school boarding school? I'd be further away from James, and closer to William. And it wouldn't make much difference considering I'm already sleeping there.

-Louis? Screams my sister

She jumps off the couch and runs to me and throws herself into my arms.

-Where have you been again? I was so scared!

-I... I wasn't feeling well yesterday.

-Then why didn't you come home?

-I... I spent the night in the school infirmary. I say

My sister frowns and holds me even tighter in her protective arms.

-Oh my poor boo bear... I'm so sorry for you. We're going to eat in a few moments. Desmond and Mum are in the kitchen if you want to go and see them.

I frown and she sees in my eyes that I have no desire to talk to them.

-Okay... sit down a bit then.

I follow her to the sofa and sit between Anna and my sister. My sister immediately picks up her phone and calls a friend. She's talking loudly when Anna nudges me. I turn to her and she moves a little closer to me to whisper in my ear.

-You were with William, weren't you?

I swallow hard and feel myself blushing. I know I can't lie to her. So I nod weakly and she smiles.

-I'm very happy for you. She pauses. I've just sent William a message inviting him to lunch here. Is that all right?

I frown, surprised. Then Anna winks at me before James comes down the stairs. Without a glance at me, he goes into the kitchen. About ten minutes later, someone knocks on the door. William. I sigh, a faint smile already forming on my face.

-Louis, could you get the door, please? Says my mother from the kitchen.

I get up from the sofa and head for the door. I take a deep breath before removing the only thing that separates me from him. William is there, looking magnificent in his navy blue coat, and runs a hand through his windblown hair before setting his emerald eyes on me.

-Hi. He whispers

-Oops. I murmur

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