Chapter 5

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When I wake up, James is no longer in the room. I almost breathe a sigh of relief because I won't have to face him in the first few minutes of the day. I glance out the window and see that the sun is shining on the golden leaves of the trees. Many clouds are already present in the blue sky, but I am already smiling. I don't know why, but I have the feeling that today is going to be a beautiful day.

I open my suitcase and take a white shirt and an ochre sweater and navy blue suit pants. When I close the belt of my pants, I hear footsteps coming closer in the corridor. James enters the room and glares at me. I leave the room almost immediately, giving him a totally voluntary shoulder blow and then quickly go to the bathroom and do my hair properly, lifting it a little. I look at myself for a few seconds in the mirror, I have a passable face. But it's already better than yesterday. Once downstairs, I put on my shoes and my long black coat.

I almost walk straight out of the house and when I get to the school, there's hardly anyone there. I decide to walk around the huge courtyards for a while. While waiting for classes to start, I sit down under a thousand-year-old elm tree and start writing in my notebook that I always keep with me. Then I hear leaves cracking behind me. I look up from my writing and see William. He is wearing a white shirt, a navy blue sweater, a tie and beige suit pants and a long beige coat. He approaches, hesitant.

-May I ? He asks.

I nod weakly and he sits down next to me. He leans against the tree and closes his eyes, enjoying the golden rays of the sun. I continue to turn the pages of my notebook for a few moments and then he turns to me, but I don't look at him. I feel his gaze on my face, but I don't move.

-Look, Louis... I know it must be really hard to live in the same house as James. I know that being new here is really hard too. But please... let me at least try to help you.

I sigh and turn to him sharply. I notice that he is closer to me than I thought. His knee almost touches mine. I feel my heartbeat quicken a little, but I quickly calm down as I regain my composure.

-I just don't understand why you want to help me. I whisper.

I cough and see him blink quickly before frowning a little and swallowing hard. He runs his hand through his hair and I look away, feeling a strange sensation in my chest.

-And I don't understand why you are so closed.

-Well, in that case, tell me why you were talking about me last night?

-I defended you.

-I didn't ask you anything.

-Maybe, but what he said about you was unfair Louis.

-You could have just made him think you were agreeing, or just, I don't know, anything but not that.

-Why not?

-Because... because I don't need you to defend me.

-You're going to need my help soon, I can assure you that. By the time James walks through the doors of this school, you're going to regret telling me this. But if you really don't want my help, I won't give it to you.

He looks at me for a few moments but I prefer to stare at the grass. When he stands up, his knee touches mine and my heart leaps into my rib cage. I really need to calm down. I have no idea what's going on, but I don't like it at all.

-Wait. I say without even realizing it.

William turns and frowns, his hands in his coat pockets.

-What? He says.

-Sorry... I'm sorry, I was so... cold to you.

He moves forward a bit and crouches down right in front of me, a little smile on his face.

-Hey, it's okay, you know. I just don't want you to be James' victim. You don't deserve his hatred. And... don't be sorry. You have nothing to be sorry about.

I smile a little at him. He holds out his hand to help me up, and I hesitate. My eyes move from his slender fingers to his face. After a deep breath, I place my hand in his and he quickly pulls me up. The contact of his flesh against mine disturbs me. I don't know why. I just can't explain it.

-How about a quick tour of the school? That way I can show you around and you won't be so lost!

He laughs and my heart stops for a moment. His laughter... What the hell is going on right now? Okay wow uh... I need to regain my composure, and fast.

-Yeah, why not!

I smile at him and we walk in the soothing silence of the still empty yard. We walk through the corridors and the passageways under the rhythm of the birds' songs. We've practically done the whole school in twenty minutes. It is truly a fortress. We take a new corridor and a narrower and darker staircase. At the last step, I stumble, but William catches me by the arm.

-Are you alright?

I nod quickly and stand up, putting my coat back on. He smiles at me and moves more slowly down the hall.

-We are here in the west wing, the boarding school.

-I didn't know there was a boarding school here.

-I've lived here for three years now. This has become my home.

-Oh... I didn't know you lived here.

-Actually... My parents died in a car accident ten years ago so I was in my grandmother's care but... she passed away six years ago, so... I had to go to a boarding school. Before I came here, I was in another boarding school.

He smiles weakly at me but I can see tears in his eyes.

-I'm really sorry... I didn't mean to....

-No, don't worry. You couldn't have known.

-Yes, but I'm really sorry. It must have been hard for you, you had to rebuild yourself after all that, and I just made you think about it again so I'm terribly sorry.

He smiled weakly at me with a sincere look in his eyes.

-Thank you. Thank you for understanding.

I smile at him and he looks at his watch. I glance at mine reflexively. It's 7:51 a.m. Classes start in less than ten minutes. When I look up at William, he looks away and smiles weakly as he runs his hand through his hair. I look down at the garden a few feet below.

-This is our private garden. He says.

-Your private garden?

-Yes... when there is no one in the school after class, we can walk in the other courtyards, but in the meantime, we have this garden at our disposal. It's always nice to read here.

-Oh, I didn't know you read.

-I love to read. It's a great escape for me. To get away from this world. By the way, if you're interested, we have our own library too.

I smile immediately. The boarding school at this high school is an absolute dream.

-I can show it to you if you want.

-I'd love to.

He smiles a little and walks down the corridor until he comes to a small cracked wooden door. But just as he puts his hand on the door handle, the bell rings. The school day has already begun. I got here at 7:00 a.m., and I didn't see the time pass. William sighs and glances in my direction.

-We save that for another time!

I nodded weakly, a little disappointed. I so wanted to see this library! We went down to the courtyard and walked through the corridors and the hallways to the H yard. The second bell rings and we walk into the classroom, smiling. This day is starting out better than I had imagined.

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