Chapter Eight

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Third Person POV:

Once Sam and Colby got home, Sam decided to talk to Colby about his situation with his dad. "Hey Colbs, can I ask you something?" "Of course Sam, what's up?" Colby replied. "Well, you should tell your mom about your dad," Sam said. "I-I can't," Colby replied. "Why not?" Sam asked. "M-My dad threatened to kill me or my mom if I did." Sam feels bad for Colby but he has to tell his mom. "Colby, I know you're scared but if you don't tell her your dad might end up killing you one day," Sam told him. Colby knew Sam was right so he sighed as he thought about it. "O-Ok I'll think about it," he responded. "Ok, good," Sam replied with a smile.

The next day, Sam and Colby were getting ready for the dance. Sam was getting changed in Colby's room while Colby was getting changed in his closet. "Ok Colbs, I'm done. Are you ready yet?" Sam asked. "Y-Yeah just putting on my shoes," Colby responded. Soon Colby stepped out of the closet. "Ok, I'm ready." Sam turns and his eyes widened as he sees Colby wearing a dress. "Wow, you look amazing," Sam said in admiration. Colby instantly blushed as he looked at him. "D-Do you like it?" "I love it, it makes you look stunning," Sam responded "T-Thanks, you look amazing too," Colby blushed. "W-We better get going before we're late."

As the boys reached the bottom of the stairs, Colby's mom gasped as she saw her beautiful son in a dress with Sam next to him. "Oh my, sweetie you look beautiful," Mrs.Brock gushed. "T-Thanks," Colby replied with a smile on his face. "I think he looks a like whore," Mr.Brock smirked. Colby's smile faltered as he looked down. "Tom!" Mrs.Brock scolded. "Honey, don't listen to him, you're beautiful no matter what you wear." Colby sadly smiled at his mom. "Now let's take some pictures." Once they took pictures, Jake arrived.

"Mom, Jake's here," Colby said. "Ok honey, have fun," his mom said. "Enjoy being a whore," his dad added. Colby sadly sighed as he fiddled with his fingers. Sam then grabbed Colby's left hand. "Ignore him, I think you look amazing no matter what," Sam told him. Colby smiled as he slightly blushed. "Dang Colbs, you look hot," Jake said as the boys got inside. "I told you, you look amazing," Tara said. "Yeah he looks amazing, you did a good job, Tara," Sam said. "Actually, Colby picked it along with the shoes," Tara said. "Really? Well, you did an excellent job Colbs," Sam replied.

Once all four of them arrived at the dance, they all went and got something to eat. After they ate and talked they all headed out to the dance floor and danced. Sam and Colby were having a great time. As they were dancing, Jake pulled out his phone and took a group selfie. "So we won't forget about this day," Jake said as he went back to dancing with Tara.

Colby's POV:

As Sam and I were in the middle of dancing, a couple of girls passed and 'accidentally' bumped into Sam. They would soon apologize while flirting with him. I actually hated how they interrupted our fun. Some of the girls even glared at me with disgust. I'm guessing Sam didn't like the girls either since he shooed them away. Just as the girls left, the song changed into a slow dance.

"Um, w-we could sit this one out if you want," I told him. Sam smiled at me, "no, no let's just have fun." Sam then wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me close to him, making me squeak. I then wrapped my arms around his neck and we slowly danced. Halfway through, I then placed my head on the crook of his neck as I sighed contently. Soon enough the song ended and a more upbeat song played. I then had gotten the urge to use the bathroom.

"I-I'll be back, I have to go to the bathroom," I told him. "Ok I'll wait here," Sam told me. I then slightly frown. "Don't worry, I'll make sure no girl steals me from you," Sam chuckled. I smiled as I made my way to the bathroom. Once I finished doing my business I then washed my hands. I was drying my hands when "hello Brock." My eyes widened as I turned to see Chad and the jocks surrounding me. "Some dress you're wearing Brock," Chad sneered as the jocks snickered.

I then began to whimper as I shook in fear. "Who are you trying to impress huh?" Chad asked. "N-No one," I responded. "Good, cause I don't want people taking what's mine." Chad then began to caress my face as I fearfully looked at him. "Hmm I think he's missing something. What do you think, boys?" Chad taunted."I think he needs to show more...cleavage," John taunted as he grabbed the shoulder straps of my dress and pulled them down. "Stop!" I yelled as I grabbed his hands and stopped him before my chest became visible to them.

Soon all the jocks laughed at me as I tried my best to cover myself. "I think he needs to show us what's underneath," Luis snickered. Chad then grabbed the end of my dress as I looked at him with glossy eyes. "No, please!" I begged but was ignored as Chad lifted my dress. Instantly all the jocks laughed while whistling at me. Suddenly a voice called out as the laughter and whistling stopped.

Sam's POV:

As I waited for Colby to come back, Jake and Tara showed up. "Hey Sam, where's Colby?" Jake asked. "Oh, he went to the bathroom," I told him. The three of us decided to talk when I realized Colby was taking a little longer than he intended. "Hey, is it me or is Colby taking a long time?" Jake asked. "Yeah Sam, maybe you should go check on him," Tara suggested. "You're right, I better go see what's up," I told them.

As I got to the bathroom, I then heard laughter and whistling. I then opened the door to see Colby surrounded by the jocks as Chad had the front of Colby's dress lifted. "Hey!" I shouted. Soon the laughter and whistling stopped as they all made sudden eye contact with me. "What do you want?!" Chad snapped at me. "Leave Him alone Chad or else!" I told him. "Or else what?" Chad asked while letting go of Colby's dress. "Or else I'll beat the shit out of you," I told him. "Huh, I would love to see you try," Chad challenged me. "Alright, you asked for it," I told him as I pounced on him. 

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