Chapter Eighteen

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A/A: Basically similar top but with a black pleated skirt

Third Person POV:

The next day, Sam woke up early and decided to look for an outfit for Colby. He searched through Colby's dresser and found the perfect outfit. It was a black pleated skirt and a black off-the-shoulder top. He then got a pair of white ankle socks and black panties as well. Sam then went into Colby's closet and found a pair of black Converse. Soon Colby woke up to see Sam not in bed. "Sam? What are you doing?" Colby asked as he sat up. "Thought I woke up early to pick your outfit for you," Sam told him. Colby looked at the outfit Sam picked for him and his eyes widened. "What's wrong? You don't like it?" Sam asked. "N-No I do, but what if I get harassed like at the dance?" Colby asked him.

"Don't worry love, I'll make sure no one harasses you," Sam said. "But you don't have to wear it if you don't want to." "N-No I'll wear it," Colby responded. "Are you sure, love?" Sam asked. "I-I'm sure," Colby replied with a soft smile. Colby got up and grabbed the outfit and got changed in the closet while Sam went and got changed in the bathroom. Once Colby was all dressed, he was feeling kind of nervous yet cute at the same time. "You ready love?" Sam asked. "Y-Yeah," Colby responded. Colby took a deep breath and opened the door to see Sam on his phone. "Sam?" Colby called out as he walked out of the closet. Sam's eyes widened as he eyed Colby up and down. "Damn baby, I did a good job. You look hot," Sam said in admiration. "Really?" Colby asked. "Yeah, really," Sam responded.

Time Skip

As soon as Sam and Colby entered, everyone looked at them. Every boy whistled and cat called Colby. Sam held Colby tight as he noticed Colby feeling uncomfortable. Once they got to their lockers, Sam gently kissed Colby. Colby, now feeling safe, kissed back. "Ahem," Sam and Colby pulled away to see Chad glancing at them with an angry and jealous look on his face. "So it's true, you little whore are dating him," Chad said. Colby looked down as Sam got angry. "Stop calling him a whore!" Sam snapped. "Whatever, I'll deal with you later Brock," Chad threatened.

"Don't worry love, I won't let him hurt you," Sam assured him. All morning, Colby kept getting stared at. However, Colby didn't care since he felt scared of what Chad was going to do to him. It was now lunchtime and Colby was walking to his table when he was stopped by John and Luis. Suddenly Colby's eyes widened as he felt his skirt was pulled down. "Nice panties whore!" a boy called out. Colby then quickly pulled up his skirt and ran out of the cafeteria. Colby ran to the tree near the bleachers and cried.

"Hey, Brock!" Colby looked up to see Chad and the jocks coming his way. Colby got up and ran inside. Colby ran until he got to the bathroom. "There you are Brock," Colby turns to see that he was now surrounded. "P-Please leave me alone!" Colby snapped. "P-Please leave me alone!" Chad mocked as the jocks laughed. "Why don't you boys leave me and this whore alone?" Chad smirked. The jocks understood as they all left. Colby shook in fear as Chad walked toward him. Chad began to caress Colby's face. "You know I hate people taking what's mine right?" Chad asked as he grabbed Colby's face and squeezed it.

Colby's POV:

"You know I hate people taking what's mine right?" Chad asked as he grabbed my face and squeezed it. I then nodded my head as I fearfully looked at him. Chad smirked as he smashed his lips onto mine. I then squirmed around as I managed to push him away from me. "Ah, ah, ah," Chad sneered. "That wasn't very nice of you, you little whore." I then whimpered as I looked at him. Chad smirked as he grabbed the shoulder straps of my shirt and pulled down my shirt to reveal my chest.

"Please, stop!" I begged as Chad kept caressing my chest. "Shut up!" Chad yelled. Suddenly, Chad was pulled away from me. "Get the fuck away from my boyfriend!" I then looked to see Sam and Jake. I then covered myself and then ran up to Sam and hid behind him. "Don't you get it Golbach, he's mine and I can do whatever I want with him!" Sam had enough as he punched Chad in the face. Sam grabbed my hand and led me out of the bathroom. Sam then led me to our lockers where Tara was waiting for us.

"Are you ok love?" Sam asked as he, Jake, and Tara looked at me. I nodded my head as I looked at them. "What did Chad do this time Colbs?" Tara asked. "I-I was stopped by John and Luis in the cafeteria and Chad pulled down my skirt. Some boy cat called me so I ran to my tree when I saw Chad and the jocks walking my way. So I ran to the bathroom where I was surrounded. Chad told the jocks to leave us alone so they did. Once we were alone he not only caressed my face but also forcefully kissed me. I then pushed him away from me and he angrily pulled my shirt down and began caressing my chest," I sniffled.

Sam wrapped his arms around me and brought me close to him. "I think you should tell Principal Smith," Tara suggested. My eyes widened as I looked at her. "N-No I Can't!" I shrieked. "Chad will only hurt me worse." "Colby, you can't let them keep harassing and bullying you," Jake said. I sadly sigh as I knew that he was right. "O-Ok but we'll go tomorrow," I told them. "Ok deal," they all agreed. The rest of the day was ok.

After school, Sam and I went home and made dinner for my parents. Afterward, Sam took me to a restaurant for dinner. It wasn't that fancy but it was sweet. "You like it, baby?" Sam asked me. I nodded my head as I looked at him. Soon our waiter arrived and he kept staring at me. I just ignored him as Sam and I ordered our food and drinks. Throughout dinner, I kept seeing our waiter looking at me."Are you ok baby?" Sam asked me. "Y-Yeah just our waiter keeps staring at me," I told him.

"Just ignore him and let's enjoy our night," Sam told me. I nodded my head and we kept talking. Finally our bill came and the waiter handed me a folded piece of paper. As soon as the waiter left, I then unfolded the paper and I saw Call me cutie ;) written on it. I then looked up at the waiter and he winked at me. "What's that baby?" Sam asked me. I then looked to see the waiter was busy so I quickly gave Sam the note. Sam read it and looked to see our waiter still busy. "Don't worry baby, I'll take care of this," Sam said.

 Third Person POV:

Sam and Colby got up and went to pay for their food. "Baby I'll be back, I'm going to the bathroom ok," Sam said. Colby nodded his head as Sam left. "Hello cutie," Colby looked up to see their former waiter standing in front of him. "H-Hi," Colby responded. "You know cutie, I've never seen someone as cute as you," the waiter said. "Oh um, thanks," Colby said. "Call me sometime cutie so we can hang out sometime," the waiter said. "T-Thanks, but I'm already taken," Colby responded.

"By who?" The waiter asked. " M-My boyfriend, he just went to the bathroom right now," Colby responded. "Oh, come on cutie, he doesn't need to know," the waiter said as he grabbed Colby's hand and kissed it. "S-Sorry but I love my boyfriend very much," Colby responded. "What's going on here?" Colby turned to see Sam walking up to him. Colby ran up to Sam and clutched onto him. "S-Sorry but I'm not dumping my boyfriend to be with you," Colby responded. "Just so you won't steal my boyfriend from me," Sam said as he gently grabbed Colby's face and gently kissed his lips. Soon the waiter scoffed and walked away. "Come on baby, let's go," Sam said.

Once the boys got home, Sam gently dragged Colby to their room. Once inside their room, Sam began kissing Colby's lips. Colby wrapped his arms around Sam's neck and kissed back. "I love you," Sam said in between kisses. Colby giggled as he slightly blushed. "I love you too," Colby responded. "I saw and heard what that waiter was doing to you," Sam said. Colby looked at him with wide eyes. "I just want to say, I'm proud of you baby for being loyal," Sam said as he caressed Colby's face. "Well that's because I love you a lot," Colby responded. "Well, I love you more," Sam replied. "Thanks for the dinner Sam," Colby said. "No problem baby," Sam responded. That night both boys did their homework and watched Netflix while cuddling with each other.

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