Chapter Two.

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Brian: Things could get steamy! Oh no!

Ren: I want it to be that way. The thrill of not giving the readers some sense of relief, you know how I planned the other story with different outcomes? Wither you want to be with a love interests or just stay single? They'll never get that chance. This will be different. [*laughs maniacally*]

Brian: [*sweatdrops*]

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Kimetsu Academy.
3rd POV

After-school, Monday.
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Y/n walks back after class had ended, and now, she walks into the club room.

"Ms. L/n, hello!" Some of the club members greeted her, one of the girls skips to her, and gently hugging her.

"Helllo! Ms. L/n!" She let's go of Y/n.

"Hi! Welcome!"

"Today we'll be making.......a salmon with some fresh veggies!" Y/n says, giving knife, cutting board to some of the students.

Y/n's cooking club consists of 12 members. 6 boys, 5 girls, and one student who identifies as non-binary.

They are pretty open about it, too, plus they get along with all of the club members because of how social they are.

The girls and the non-binary student were assigned to cut the veggies, and the boys were assigned to sanitize the fish for them to grill it.

"Ms. L/n, I'm supposed to use little seasoning?"

Y/n nods.

"Yes, the fish provides most if not all of the seasoning. Using too much seasoning could hurt your growing heart."

The students always wondered why Y/n is so cautious with greasy and heart damaging foods. They think Y/n has a heart condition.

She doesn't. Her heart is softer, but it's not lethal to her.

Plus, she doesn't want any of her students to be the way she is.

Sometimes, she'll let them eat greasy foods, but she would have to invite Kagaya to join her. Since she can't eat it.

"Ms. L/n.....we're ready to grill."

"Ms. L/n! How many minutes should we put for the salmon!"

"3 minutes, tops. Make sure to put a decent amount of heat, and the skin should be a nice golden brown"

"Alright! Times up, everyone!"

"This time, you'll decorate your plates."

The student had paired up, and some had small little agreements and disagreements, but it turned out well for them.

"Look at our plate first, Ms. L/n!" The girl who hugged Y/n early on said, wanting you to praise the way this boy and her decorated it.

"[*small chuckle*] Of course." Y/n said, looking at the plate.

The salmon was situated on the left side of the plate, with some veggies on the right side of it. A small bowl of soy sauce was there as well.

It looked appetizing.

"You both did amazing. Keep it up!" Y/n praised, giving both students a soft head pat.

The pair got flushed from Y/n's praise. Soon, pair by pair Y/n looked at each error students plates.

She corrected some and praised some.

And after all of this, the day was over. Tomorrow's a new day for Y/n.

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After club, Monday.

The sun was setting, and so traffic was slow. Considering most employers would leave around this time.

Y/n was lucky not to have a car. She doesn't live too far from the school.
Plus, the angry looks from the drivers made Y/n feel angry, too.

"Thank you dearie, I'm sorry such a young and handsome man like yourself shouldn't waste his time taking care of an old woman like me" Y/n turned her head to see the backs of two people.

One was a small, frail old woman, and the other.....was a man with a vibrant red long hair.

"It's no problem, ma'am. You needed assistance, and I will give it to you."

Y/n walked fast into her apartment complex, just wanting to get home. Take a shower, and just relax.

Opening the door and locking it. Taking off her shoes, her sweater. Hanging it on the coat rack.

Putting her slippers on, walking to the fridge to drink some water.

Y/n turns the TV on, the news Channel playing in the background as Y/n grabs pajamas to change into when she showers.

"Regardless, R/L/n. These killings seem planned to attack people of political power."

"We understand that, but why? These people were unrecognizable. They've been killed in the most brutal way possible, almost inhumane."

Y/n shivers at the thought of someone being so strong that they can kill someone with their bare hands.

Y/n changes the channel to cooking. Seeing as she could get inspiration from it for her beloved students.

"Hello! Today, we'll be making a crepe cake with soft, sweet berries. Along with fresh homemade whip cream.

Y/n records it and is in front of the bathroom, getting prepared to take her shower, relax, and get some sleep.

                > Taisho Era secret! <

• Y/n sometimes laughs at kids falling

• Tanjiro would bring gentle desserts to Y/n

• Yuichiro would rather die than admit how he cares about Y/n and his dumb brother

• The old frail woman saw Y/n and the mysterious man and thought they would make a nice couple

• Y/n is aware of Ubuyashiki's evil cousin, Muzan Kibutsuji.

• R/L/n means Random last name

• R/L/n means Random last name

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