Chapter Fifteen.

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Ren: Pauline is so fineeeee

Brian: Oh, so you cheating on Michikatsu and Yoriichi?


Brian: *runs away while farting*

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Kimetsu Academy
3rd POV - For now.

Same day, after classes.

Michikatsu's apartment.

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Authors Smexy Note:

*smirks while looking at you*

This chapter is quite.......the wild ride 😍
I used one hand writing this one. (LMFOAOAOAO)

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Michikatsu's told both Yoriichi and You to take off your shoes and leave them by the door. Yoriichi took your bag and placed it on the table.

You were taken aback. These two went towards the kitchen, well, not really. Yoriichi took one of your wrists while Michikatsu held the other.

They lead you to a table, Yoriichi pushed a chair back for you to sit on. You were slow to what they were doing. Eventually, you had caught on.

They were treating you! (Were you even paying attention?)

You chuckled. "Very well, gentleman." Michikatsu smiled at yor remark while Yoriichi grinned.

"Is there a surprise waiting for me?"

"Well, yeah, but....." Yoriichi trailed off. "We can be the surprise, too, if you'd like." Both twins say, grabbing cooking utensils.

You gave them a particular look. 'AYO????'

"Ayo, what the hell?" They chuckled. Deep down in their minds, they hoped you'd agree.

It's hard to hold back when they are so close to you. It's......quite frankly......INVITING.

"Does that mean I could put whip cream on your naked bodies?" You said nonchalantly.

They paused, and then they slowly looked towards you like a deer in headlights.

".....please do..."


They turned away, their ears a shade of red. You scoffed playfully.


'Hot ass mofos......'

The room was filled with a low, awkward silence for a moment. "Bun, pickle, cheese, put that patty in between, it's burger! What what."

Michikatsu scoffed, Yoriichi just smiled. 'She's so......OH MY GOD, SHE'S.'

"Am I allowed to ask questions about what you'll be preparing for me today?"


You were caught off guard. "Awwwww c'mon! Pleaseeee?" You pleaded.

Though it was cute, Michikatsu just shook his head.

"All you'll get to's a dessert." You were ecstatic.


Oh......this could make for a good pickup line.

"Why can't I have you two for dessert? It would make for great exercise." They paused again.



You raised an eyebrow. "Damn......didn't take you two to actually wanna fuck."


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