Chapter Five.

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Ren: It's settled! I'm not sorry for the man I became when Yoriichi and Michikatsu got animated!

Brian: Ren wtf


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Kimetsu Academy
3rd POV

After the whole interaction with Yoriichi.

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Y/n walk into her apartment, confusion swells up in her mind.

'What the hell was his deal? Bro, legit skedaddle away'

Y/n put away her jacket away. She felt a chill run up her spine. She was confused about why she was feeling this way.

'Why does it feel like someone is thinking about me?'

Y/n shakes her head, finding it weird to be thinking like that. There's no way! She thought, sweatdropping a little.
It can not be possible!

Can it?

What she doesn't know is someone having impure thoughts of her. All she did was look at him, and that made him feel way too good.

Y/n sighs, she just wanted to relax. Y/n walked into her bathroom after grabbing her pajamas. She heads into the shower and proceeds to shower.

After her shower, the chill she felt earlier had gone away. She sighs again, heading to her bedroom, falling asleep.

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The next day.
Thursday, September 12th.

Y/n's POV
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I'll just head into my car, I'm kinda nervous to walk to the school. Today's gonna be an awkward day. Heading into the school and was greeted by........

"Ms. L/n! Welcome back! I missed you!" Muichiro says, running to me. Giving me a comforting hug. I chuckle.

"Hello Tokito, I missed you too." I said, petting his hair. His face grows red, and he lets go. Covering his face with his hands.

"YUICHIROOOOOOO WHERE ARE YOUUUUUUUUUU?" Muichiro yells, speedwalking around the school. Practically, he's almost running around the school again. But being stopped by his twin.

"Why are you screaming? Come, you're all red again. I'll help you." Yuichiro answers calmly. Grabbing his brother shoulders and walking him towards the bathroom.

I sigh tiredly. Walking towards the faculty room. Opening the door and was greeted with the new teachers.

"WELCOME BACK!" Rengoku says, folding his arms together. Rengoku looks me up and down, smiling.

"Hello, L/n!" Kocho says, wrapping her arm around mine. I giggle, hugging her back. Looking at her face, it's slightly flushed. She gently lets go.

"Welcome back." Tomioka says, looking through papers in his hands.

"Tch, it's a nice morning, is it? L/n?" Shinazugawa says, with a small blush on his face. I chuckle.

"L/n, I need some more equipment for chemistry." Iguro said. I nod.

"Good morning to you all! Let's have a good day today!" I smile before turning around, heading towards the storage room.


Oh, a text! From who?

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𝑳/𝒏, 𝒊𝒕'𝒔 𝒎𝒆. 𝒀𝒐𝒓𝒊𝒊𝒄𝒉𝒊 𝑻𝒔𝒖𝒈𝒊𝒌𝒖𝒏𝒊.
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