Chapter Seventeen.

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Ren: Lowkey.....why was Josh so hot in the Fnaf movie.

Brian: GAYYY

Ren: Then why were you crying and begg-

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Authors Smexy Note:

This chapter is HEAVILY influenced by Renegade by Aaryan Shah.......😏

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Kimetsu Academy.

3rd POV.

Same day, Tuesday.
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Why was your heart racing so much? Michikatsu is only a few minutes from your location.

So.....the events that happened today are now causing you to remember what you did last night.

"Young lady......he's hanging on. We and the doctors believe your kitty will make it."

You were thrilled to hear the hear the news. But, the moment those doors opened and Michikatsu walked through, you froze as an awkward smile was on your face.

You could've sworn he would come here in 5 minutes! Not 3.

The workers all blushed at seeing such a handsome man walk in. He's tall, with maroon hair and long bangs. He walks over to you with a pleasant smile on his face.

He hugs you, well, he gave in, actually. He really wanted to run into your arms, but there were people watching.

"Y/n....hello, it's nice to see you again." He whispered in your ear, surely this is nice, right? You pat his back as he twitched slightly in response.

"Hi, Michikatsu.....did you and Yoriichi sleep well?" You chuckled and grinned as Michikatsu let go of the embrace. He grudgingly mumbled and walked towards the counter, with you following in tow.

The ladies working here were shell shocked, both hotties being next to each other....? They didn't deny it, you were beautiful next to him.

Sure, your eyes were swollen from crying so badly, but you were so cute. They really liked you.

They squealed at seeing him so close to you. Michikatsu whispered in your ear. "How much?" You gave him a gentle smile as he blushed.

"How much was it again, miss?" You asked as the lady scurried to get the payment ready.

"Well, your pet was badly injured. And if it weren't for you rushing, he wouldn't have lived."

"But the injuries this little guy has, and considering the number of days of recovery. It'll cost around 2,000." The women sounded like she didn't want to say that last part as you furrowed your eyebrows.

Michikatsu hummed as he took out his wallet. You and the women working here were shocked as hell! "M-Michikatsu! Wait a moment....."

"What? I'll be paying, here's my card." You grabbed his wrist and stared intently at him. He looked down at you. Wow, you're being so rough on him.

The grip you were holding him caused him to twitch slightly once again.

"A-Are you sure you're okay to spend this amou...." He put a finger on your lips as he took off his sunglasses. (wtf is this going to be a daily occurrence with him)

The ladies blushed harder at seeing his full face. He's so hot! "I don't mind spending money for you....Y/n."

You looked at him puzzled. "Wait, this guy is rich...?" One of the ladies whispered to someone right next to her.

"Y/n, come on.....Anthony wouldn't hold on if you're holding me back like this..." He inched closer to you as you sighed.
"As long as you're okay with it, I don't mind...."

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