Chapter Three.

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Brian: So, how's everyone been? It's been a while. Brian has been very busy with work and stuff

Ren: You actually don't have a job, nor were you doing 'stuff' you were claiming to have been doing, you were not because you've been playing the fnaf song 50 times......FOR A WHOLE YEAR.

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Kimetsu Academy.
Y/n's POV

The next morning, Tuesday,
September 10th.
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Waking up to the sound of the alarm, turning off the alarm on my phone. Getting up and brushing my teeth.

I've decided to cook some sweet potatoes with melted marshmallows. It tasted heavenly.

\Curling my long/short/medium hair
/ putting a beanie on to cover my bald head.

\After curling my hair, I had begun to change in an outfit I've planned last night.
/ After switching the beanie into a more fashionable hat, I'd begun changing into an outfit I planned a couple of hours earlier.

Now, it was time to start the new day!

| small time skip |

??? POV

The little old lady gave me some chocolate as a gift for helping her yesterday.

How strange is it poisoned?

I'll just throw it away.

[*Heart beats*]

My eyes go wide. Why the sudden feeling in my chest? It's awkward as if I'm floating in the clouds.

I turn to see her.

Her back was towards me,'s overwhelming. Why is my heart beating for some random woman?


I raise my hand up to my face. It's warm.
Is this what some people call a blush?

It's awkward, I'm not uncomfortable. I am not used to this.

Then I heard her voice.

"Maybe I'll bring treats to my students....."

Is she mumbling to herself? That's hot.

I mean.


Students? Is she a teacher? How......intriguing.

Oh shit.

I'm late to the meeting with Lady Tamayo.
I started to run, trying to see more of that woman's face, but her head was down. Looking at the time.

Dammit! So close......wait.

Why did I want to see her face? I took a quick climpse of the school she's in front of.

'Kimetsu High.....I have cousins who go there. Maybe they'll tell me about her'

|| end of ??? POV ||


Grabbing the small donuts from this man working at a bakery. I jump at the sudden notification.


Muichiro emailed me.

"Dear Ms L/n.

Inosuke is weird. Stop cooking him shrimp tempura."

I laugh, of course. He's slightly jealous of the fact I cook for Inosuke. I'll talk to him.

"Good morning, Ms. L/n!" Tanjiro walks up to me, handing me a small cup of tea.

He gets flushed as says, "I know you must've be weirded out! I'm sorry, but we had extra tea back at my home! So......" He trials off. I pat his head and say.

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