Chapter Ten.

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Ren: Y'all, Gyomei is so underrated.

Brian: I agree! He deserves all the hype

Ren: It's heavy, and it could weigh you down when you are sucking him of-

Brian: *shuts ren up* SHUT UP

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Authors (smexy) note:


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Kimetsu Academy.

Same day, Setember 14.

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Saying it was akward was an understatement, it was SO confusing to you.

But, let's backtrack.

Hᴏᴜʀs Eᴀʀʟɪᴇʀ.

You and Michikatsu got ready to see Yoriichi at a nearby park. Michikatsu looks quite calm.

Which was news to you, since you teased him earlier. And yes, the both of you pretended that never happened.

You changed into some comfy clothes. (leaving that up to you imagintion)
Michikatsu waited for you outside your apartment.

Until you came out the door.

Michikatsu lead you to his car, where you sat on the passenger side. You and him listened to music.

The ride to the park was peaceful.

Until you made it too the park.

Yoriichi was clearly there by the playground, watching the children play.

'If me and Y/n had kids.....what would they look like' He thought, his mind started to think in a wholesome way, and then it started to get lustful.

It was weird.

At least he didn't speak it out loud.

You and Michikatsu opened the car doors, stepping out.
You both walked there, seeing Yoriichi closing his eyes. He also looked peaceful.

Yeah, what Y/n didn't know what he was thinking.

Yoriichi opened his eyes to see the faces of his brother, and his future wife. You smiled at the two brothers.

But they looked like they were already speaking in their minds.

"Say it out loud" Your voice sounded demanding, and forceful. Which caught the brothers off guard.

'Why was that voice hot'. Both of them thought.

"Don't make it awkard for us" You looked up at the both of them, your stare looking quite.........dominate.

You kept that glare. You made sure they really got the point. You wanted them to speak on how they feel.

And they understood.

But the look you'd gave them.....excited them so much. "Y/-"

"Just talk to each other....out loud." Your voice was cold, and demandning. Not your usual calm and endearing self...

This made the brothers even more confused than before. 'Why do I like it when she sounds like this.'

They shake that thought from their minds. And silence came from the two.

To understand the way their facing, heres the layout. The bench Yoriichi's sitting on is 15 ft (roughly 4.572 meters)
away from the playground.

You and Michikatsu stood in front of Yoriichi. (I hope that makes sense)

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