Chapter Eighteen.

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Ren: Listen, I haven't even seen JJK, but why is this man so fucking hot?



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Authors Smexy Note:


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Kimetsu Academy.
3rd POV

Wednesday, September 18th.
At school, 8:00am.

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Y/n walked with the Tokito twins by each of her sides. Muichiro was on her left while Yuichiro was on her right.
How could she tell the difference? Muichiro is happier and bubbly with the cutest smile on his face.

Yuichiro is a bit complicated. Sometimes, he'll have the biggest smile that'll light up the room. But, he is mostly more serious and calculated than Muichiro.

"Ms. L/n! I missed you!" Muichiro gave you the biggest hug. He was warm. And he looked so adorable. Yuichiro gave you a side hug with a small blush on his face.
He didn't admit it, but he missed you too.

Y/n chuckled, holding her bag in her hands. She missed them as well.

"I missed the two of you too! How are you?" Y/n asked. The twins were apparently surprised. Hearing this from their favorite teacher? Ah! They were so full of love.

Muichiro laughed happily. He really wanted to hold onto your hand. But that oversteps the boundary of Teacher and Student.

What did he do instead? He held onto your index finger. This counts, right? It doesn't overstep the boundary, plus it's quite nice!

Y/n noticed this, and she allowed it. She didn't mind at all!

The three of you were talking about clubs, classes, and some stuff you guys were into at the moment.

"Lately, I've been watching a lot of scary stuff." Y/n said, to be honest, wanted to swear, but....those two were there and plus.

They already made it to the school.

Yuichiro snickered, finding it funny. You're the one watching horror. Plus, he's very observant. He knew you wanted to swear, which makes it a bit more funnier.

Muichiro held onto Y/n finger tightly. He really missed her. His puppy crush is hard to ignore now.

He can't really say anything either.....he's a minor, plus, he doesn't want to ruin the friendship you and him have. So, he's content with this.

He's happy being by your side.
He knows he can't have you.

It's a sad truth, but he accepted it long ago when he realized how much he likes you.

It's been two years, but during the one year mark. Muichiro at the time was 13. He looked at you and was suddenly surprised. You looked so cute to him.

Ever since then, he hugs you, brings you chocolate, and even gives you flowers. To you, it was an adorable gesture, but this was his way of showing affection.

It's so cute too, cause after you take the items, he'll get all red and run away.

He lets go of the hold, and both Yuichiro and Muichiro hugged you goodbye. As the two twins walked, Muichiro had a sad look on his face.

'If only I were older......' He sighed in sadness. But, this is reality. He can't have you.

Yuichiro looked at his twin brother, feeling bad for him. Muichiro told him how much he likes you, how cute you are, and how pretty you look.

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