Chapter Thirteen.

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Ren: [*Insert smug face here*]

Brian: [*Sweatdrops*]

Ren: .....HEHE.

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Authors Smexy Note:

Sexual Tension.........oh my.

The song for this whole chaper goes to......I LOVE YOU HOE, by Odetari.

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Kimetsu Academy.

Later during the day.
After school:
Monday, September 16th.

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The rest of the day was uneventful, minus the ordeal earlier. Michikatsu invited you (to his misfortune, his brother decided to come along) to his apartment.

Your thoughts were racing. There's some sexual tension going on between the three of you.

You could feel it. You weren't sure what to think. But, you made your final decision.

You'll give in.

You grew smug. You remember the effects you were causing both twins. And, to be honest. You were into it.

Michikatsu had the look in his eyes as you both talked. The sounds of teachers and students passing your newly made office.

Kagaya, the same day your club was getting renovated, he made your own office in the school. Your name was shown in display, and your email just so people can contact you.

'Y/n L/n: Teacher Assistant.'

'Email: L/n_Y/'

Inside your very own office were two sides of pictures, from when you started till the present.

Amane and Kagaya were present as well. They were seen holding each one of your hands. Your blush was faint as you stood next to them.

On that day, it didn't help that those two were so attractive. Especially since both of them were in suits.

That was 2 years ago, and how much was shown they cared. They even asked the principal to give you your own office.

You cried a lot as Kagaya gave you the keys to your office. Muichiro and Yuichiro were the first (because they wanted to be the first) to enter your office.

Tanjiro, Nezuko, Zenitsu, and Inosuke were the 3rd, 4th, 5th, and 6th. With many others coming in as well.

You were happy having the kids come over.

"Wanna come to my place? Yoriichi asked to come as well." You can sense his dismay. He wanted to be alone with you.

Michikatsu took his sunglasses (why tf does he have them on again) and placed them on the collar of his suit.
Michikatsu sat on your desk in a suggestive pose.

He looked at you, with such......desire. It made you quite confused. 'These two are legit sexy asf. How did it come to this?'

"I have the cooking club......." Michikatsu paused you from speaking. "I'll pick you up after, it's alright, Y/n."

"We'll wait for you, Y/n. Just say it."

Michikatsu moved closer towards you. His face nearing yours. You went bonkers, 'He's too close, oh no!'

You both were inches apart from each other, staring into each other's eyes. Maroon eyes stared into your (eye color) eyes.

You grinned, getting closer. He jerked at the sudden movement. Now, the proximity was almost suffocating.

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