Chapter Fourteen.

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Ren: ......blushing so hard rn omg these two men are so fine.

Brian: ayo


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Kimetsu Academy.
3rd POV

Same day, after school. Club time.

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Authors smexy note:

(s)creaming, biting, twerking, hot and sexy french kisses. Lololololol

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Y/n enters her clubroom with a smile on her face. This time around, she'll be showing the kids a textbook. She even made a small little quiz.

"Hello every......oh, where's R/n?" Y/n noticed one of her students is missing. "R/n had a family emergency, ever since his big brother went missing the other day."

You were shocked at the words your student said. "I see.....alright."

'How tf am I gonna change the coversation'

"I hope they find him soon. But, let's change the topic for now. This matter is quite serious."

"What will be doing today, Ms. L/n?"

"Today, we'll be doing a small game!"

Y/n placed partners for each student. Except one, they'll be partnering with her.

"Ms. L/n!! I wanna be your partner!" One student said, with a small blush on her face.

"No! Me!" Another student said, standing their guard. You just chuckled, "It'll be alright, next time, okay?" You pat their heads as they grew flustered.

They nodded excitedly as they went towards their assigned partners.
"This little game will be a challenge! Could you be able to handle it?"

"This game is simple. Match the cards to the exact format. Food, temperature, and preparation."

"On the table, they're some index cards. Read them to find what dish you are 'fake' cooking."

" 'Fake' cooking? What do you mean, Ms. L/n?" A student questioned. You smiled at the student warmly.

"As I said, we won't be cooking today. The cards have recipes. You will have to guess what dish it is." You answered the students' questions.

"But, you'll be doing it.....together!" You happily said, clapping your hands together.

The students beamed with happiness. They really like your energy. The students began to talk to each other, guessing their dishes.

You look at some papers from Kagaya. Then, it happened.

A message.

𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑻𝒓𝒊𝒐.

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--  ---  ----𝚈𝚘𝚛𝚒𝚒𝚌𝚑𝚒:

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