Chapter Twenty-One.

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Brian: Ren, you shouldn't disappear like that!

Ren: Sorry....guys.....

- ;) -
Authors Smexy Note:

*insert careless whisper.*

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Kimetsu Academy.
1st POV. (A short one)
and.....3rd POV

Thursday, Setember 19th.
Y/n's home.
- gay men -

I woke up to the blaring sound of the alarm clock. I grabbed the pillow and slammed it against my face, and groaned. WHy?!

I fucking hate being an adult....LET ME GO BACK.
I noticed I heard noises from the kitchen and some humming. Is someone over there?

"Y/n! Wake your stupid whoreass up! It's work time for us!" My brother called out. I rushed outta bed and slipped....I looked down and noticed my foot got caught on the blanket.

'Fucking blanket.' I thought. I stood back up and walked inside the kitchen. My brother was leaning againist the counter and made some eggs and rice......wait.....

"How the hell do you know this recipe?" I questioned looking at him with confusion. He seemed to stumble his words and refused to look at me.

"...I looked at your recipe book....on the coffee table..." He said, possibly embarrassed from being caught.

I hummed and looked at the two bowls. He did pretty well for his first time cooking.

I smiled and patted him on the back. Then, I turned my heel and walked towards the bathroom. I grabbed my toothbrush and was about to finish my morning routine.


I peeked out the door and noticed my brother doing the same. He looked at me and shrugged.

"Open it." He said, as calm as could be.

I placed my toothbrush on the kitchen counter and walked towards the door......

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3rd POV
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Y/n calmly opened the door and noticed a man standing there. He looked guessed.

His eyes studying you. His eyes seemed to wonder without you noticing. He took note of how you were in pajamas.

The woman he was standing in front of was quite tall from most ladies. 5'8/172.72cm......he thought.

Two inches shorter than him.

"Hello. You must be Y/n L/ I correct?" The fact he knew your name put you into a mental crisis. How the fuck.

You nodded slowly at the Kagaya lookalike. Why is he here?

"My name is 𝗠𝘂𝘇𝗮𝗻 𝗞𝗶𝗯𝘂𝘁𝘀𝘂𝗷𝗶." Muzan said a bit bluntly. His eyes were focused on you. Somehow, unlike the women he met. None of which could compare of how you looked at him.

You gave him the most disgusted look a human being ever gave him. First, is he Kagaya's cousin? The bitch that hurt your best friend and his hotass wife? Second, how the fuck did he know where you lived.

Sure, he's handsome as Kagaya claims but nah. You'd pick Kagaya and Amane rather than this dollar store Kagaya.

In your head your first thought was, 'He could never complete with the better version of himself.'
You laughed in your head for roasting the shit out this fuckwad.

"The hell are you here for?" You said. Looking at him up and down with the most disgusted face you ever could muster.

The guy looked at you like you were a snack.
(You are.)

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13 ⏰

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