Chapter Six.

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Brian: *rolls eyes*......*sweatdrops*

Ren: *Death Glare*

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Authors Note:


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Kimetsu Academy

Later in the day.
Thursday, September 12th.
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After a tiring day, I went to the meeting place. Tsugikuni suggested to go to.
Grabbing my jacket, saying goodbye to the faculty members.

"GOODBYE! L/N! HOPE YOU HAVE A NICE AFTERNOON!" Rengoku boisterously says crossing his arms again. Looking at me up and down again, still smiling.

I look at him dumbfounded. I'm not stupid, I know for a fact he's checking me out. I smile at him and said.

"I hope you have a nice afternoon as well, Rengoku."

"L/n! You're leaving?! Say goodbye to me too!" Kocho says, wrapping her arm again mine again. I laugh lightly, hugging her back. She blushes and hugs me too.

"Bye bye, Kocho!"

She lets go, grabbing her jacket too.

"L/n, see you tomorrow." Tomioka says, raising his hand for a high five. I brighten up and placing my hand near his, giving him a good high five.

He smiles lightly before changing his face.

"See you tomorrow as well, Tomioka." He blushes lightly, and walks away grabbing his jacket, and bag.

"Bye, L/n." Iguro says, not even listening to me repciprocate his goodbye. It irked me slightly. Watching him grab his jacket and leaving the room.

A hand in my shoulder disturbs me, I jolt. And I heard a small chuckle, looking up at the person who had their hand on my shoulder.

"Don't worry about Obanai, he's always been like that. See you tomorrow, L/n." Shinzagawa says, smiling at me. I smile back, laughing.

"See you tomorrow, Shinzagawa." He face turns red. He lets go of my shoulder, walking towards the desk grabbing his stuff.

"See ya! Y/n" Tengen smirks as at me, patting my head. I groan and said.

"I'm not a child, Tengen! But see you tomorrow." I smiled and he smiles back. Grabbing his stuff to go meet his fiances.

"I pray for you to head home safe, Y/n" Gyomei said, patting my head gently. I smile at his gentle touch.

"You say that all the time, thank you Gyomei. See you!" I said, walking out of the faculty room to meet Tsugikuni.

I hear car horns, seeing Tsugikuni smiling at me brightly. He waves his arm. Calling me over.

"Tsugikuni?" He laughs at my reaction. I guess he figured out where I worked.

"I can drop you off back here, if you feel uncomfortable with me knowing where you live" He said, and my face lights up.

'That's so kind!'

I nod at him, and he points at the seat next to him. I walk around the car and open the door, heading inside.

"Where should we head too, L/n?" Tsugikuni, looks at me with just his eyes. Looking at me up and down. I smile, before showing him my phone.

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