Chapter Four.

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Ren: I think I'm obsessed.

Brian: No shit


Brian: *cries and hides in the corner*

Ren: *sweatdrops*

- Blep -

- Kimetsu Academy -
3rd POV

The next day.
September 11th, Wednesday.
- ■ -

Y/n rushes past people on the sidewalk. She didn't realize the time.

And now she's late, for the first time in 2 years. She's late! And she couldn't believe that.

Y/n bumps into somebody.

"OH FUCK!? OW SHIT MAN!!!" Y/n yells in pain, she's on the ground like some anime romcom.

"Are you -" The man pauses. He seems to recognize you. His face grows extremely red. He's also ignoring the fact he liked it when you sweared.
He's sweating, and he doesn't understand why.

'I finally get to see her face, and she' 𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐜𝐢𝐨𝐮𝐬'

The man stands tall before her, and she starts to get nervous.


"Do you wish for some help?" He says, his voice speaking calmly towards her.

'His hand is out... Does he want to help me up?'

Y/n takes his hand, and the man twitches.

'Her....hands. they are gentle. Soft.....I wonder.......where would they feel on OTHER places'

Y/n gets up and dusts her clothes. The man stares at her with a big blush on his face.

'She's the one I need. I need her badly, so badly, it hurts.'

"What is your name?" The man intently listens to you. He doesn't want to miss the name of someone who finally caught his eye.


Y/n gently smiles and says.

"My name is Y/n L/n! It's nice to meet you."

The man's heart beats faster. The way you look at him with a smile, the way your lips moved when you spoke to him.
His eyes.
He can feel his pupils change into hearts.

'.....fuck I need her so bad.'

"What's your name? I'm in a bit of a ru-"

Her phone.

"You can answer it."

"H-Hello? Kagaya? No one needs me today? Wait, I'm free to stay home??? HUH!??!? THANKS BESTIE OMFGGGGG"

Y/n is not on school grounds. She can speak this way to Kagaya. Plus, he doesn't mind that much.

'Who is Kagaya? And what does bestie mean?'

"See you at work, tomorrow. Kagaya." Y/n ends the call. Chuckling at the man in front of her awkwardly.

"If you are questioning who Kagaya is, that's my boss. And my best friend."

'I guess I didn't have to kill them.'

"My name is Yoriichi Tsugikuni." He gently smiles. Y/n brightens at the thought of a new friend.

She was dead wrong.

'I want to touch her, feel her, kiss her. 𝐓𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞 𝐡𝐞𝐫.....wait.....Yoriichi, you are going too fast. Slow it down, you barely know her name'

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