Chapter Eleven.

493 11 15

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Brian: YESH


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Authors smexy note:


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Kimetsu Academy
3rd POV

Sunday, September 15th
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Y/n groaned, feeling the room being much more cooler than before.
'Did I leave the window open?'

You didn't.
You know you didn't.
But why was your bedroom window open?

"I never opened this drawer....." You said out loud. "MY FAVORITE BRA AND UNDERWEAR IS MISSING?!"

You ran to the laundry basket, you thought logically....maybe they were in there.

They weren't.

You got, someone can't have gotten in. You were on the second floor!

You looked out the window.

"It doesn't look like someone could climb here......but I could be wrong.." You sighed, maybe, you were overreacting.

You closed the window tight, making sure it was locked, you left your bedroom.

"French toast sounds pretty good right now" You went into your kitchen, grabbing the loaf of toast, eggs, cinnamon.

You cracked three eggs, putting them on a bowl, then taking the cinnamon, sprinkling a little on the mixed eggs.

Grabbing a pan, and spraying a little oil on it. Waiting for the pan to heat up.
You took a couple of bread out the bag, grabbing 4 slices, and an extra 2.

'Maybe, I'll give some to the neighbors.'

You splatt the bread on the mixed eggs, making sure both sides are covered.
Then, slowly dropping the bread on the pan to make sure you don't get splashed with oil.

As the bread started to toast up, you flipped it, allowing the other side to get engulfed in the heat.

You did this, six more times.

You put on your slippers, heading next door. You knocked, and a middle aged couple opened the door.

"Would you like some french toast? I made it myself!" You added an extra one, since you weren't really feeling like having 4.

"Thank you, so much!" They took the dish, and headed back inside.
You sighed, and went back to your apartment.

Eating alone was something you were used too, though. You like being alone, sometimes......

You looked at your phone for messages, but they weren't any. So, you just put a Youtube video on.

You laughed at some of the perverted jokes Jay said. As you took the last bite of your french toast.

You stopped watching, and put all the stuff away.

But this nagging feeling.

Why? You shivered.

'Someone....can't be...'

You shoke your head, and went to your living room. Your kitten, and the fish looked as if they were greeting you.

You and your pets sat peacefully in the living room. But, this feeling still ached in your mind.

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